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Otani residents in New Zealand join forces to oppose vape shops

Discussion in 'Vape Talk' started by VPFIT, Dec 20, 2023.

  1. VPFIT

    VPFIT Member

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    Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
    VPFIT Insbar-II
    According to nzherald, Kerry Low, a resident of Otani, New Zealand, submitted a letter of protest to the mayor of Midsummer Hook Bay, Alex Walker. The letter opposing the establishment of vape shops in Otani. The Otani community has taken action to try to stop vaping products from being sold in the town.
    The Central Summer Hook Bay District Council received a letter of protest signed by 502 people from Otani community members. They are objecting to the establishment of a vape shop in Otani and calling on the government to close it. Otani resident Kerry Low handed the protest letter to the mayor after consultation. He was concerned about the sale of vaping products in the town and the impact it would have on young people in the village.
    Mayor Alex Walker said local councils make decisions on the sale and supply of alcohol in consultation with the community. But they do not have the power to regulate the sale of vaping products in the same way.

    By: VPFIT, top vape factory from China

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