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Ohms, volts, watts... I just don't get it.

Discussion in 'Vape Talk' started by New T, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. New T

    New T New Member

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    I started out on comtilus BVC's and VV batteries, and been building Kayfuns, Russians and Magmas for about 2 months, and loving them when I get it right. I've been building single 2.0mm 28g 1.6(ish)ohm micro coils with cotton wick, and have managed to get them wicking OK (most times). I'm mostly using a couple if iSticks and a DNA30. I want to experiment more with different coils, but can't get my head around ohms law and how it relates to vaping. I don't understand the whole resistance bit. Am I correct in thinking that less ohms make a coil burn hotter at a given voltage, in the same way that more voltage will burn hotter on a given coil ohms? I want to try making 1.5mm and 2.5mm coils, at different ohms, but I don't quite understand how they will affect the vaping experience?
    The people on here have assisted me to 7 months of vaping and off the smokes. I truly appreciate your help.
    PS: Happy to hear if anyone has suggestions for a better KFL+ build.

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