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Newbie needs help: adding nic to juice whore tripler

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by ArthurIB, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. ArthurIB

    ArthurIB New Member

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    Hey Vapors,

    I purchased a number of JuiceWhore premium juices and cannot find a calculator to help me simply add nicotine.
    I have many 30ml bottles 60/40 pg/vg triplers, I would like to add 4mg of nic and I have a 36mg base bottle of nicotine as well as a 100mg bottle.

    any suggestions?

    In urgent need of a good vape

    Kind regards
  2. pyfhvytsyfih

    pyfhvytsyfih New Member

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    you wanna use this eJuice Me Up - Best eJuice Calculator
    pretty easy to use.

    feel free to ask any questions.. and for us to check your maths. i needed to ask here just to be sure.

    append: ok, i just checked with a couple of the guys and they said that with a trippler, you want to make the 2/3rds pg/vg at 6mg which will make it 4mg over all after mixing.

    we would need to know what the pg/vg ratio of the nicotine and what your desired pg/vg ratio is.. then we can give you proper answers.

    At the moment, the maths says 3.6ml of 100mg nicotine in 60mls pg/vg, or 10ml of the 36mg nic to get 4mg after adding it to the trippler.

    shit i hope im right. its 3am.
  3. albertan

    albertan New Member

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    See the calculator linked in my sig. It is simpler than the one linked above.
  4. ryorb

    ryorb New Member

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    Here are my calculations.

    I'm assuming that your nic is 60/40 pg/vg and that your target pg/vg is also 60/40. these numbers will give you 10ml so multiply if needed.

    If using 100mg nic:

    tripler: 3.3ml
    100mg nic: .4ml
    pg: 3.8ml
    vg: 2.5ml

    If using 36mg nic:

    tripler: 3.3ml
    36mg nic: 1.1ml
    pg: 3.4ml
    vg: 2.2ml

    There has been some rounding involved here but the 100mg recipe will result in 4mg nic content and the 36mg recipe will result in 3.96mg nic content.

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