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My first Variable Voltage Mod

Discussion in 'Vape Mod Talk' started by danyelkeen, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. danyelkeen

    danyelkeen Guest

  2. AmberBambi

    AmberBambi Guest

    Fixed it..
    Insert the video in this format... hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lX422rGYC0&feature=youtu.be

    Not not the hxxp://youtu.be/9lX422rGYC0

    I havent set up the shortened version insert yet.. Soon.. oh soon :)
  3. FranM

    FranM Guest

    thanks mitrich...don't know why they always gotta go changing stuff...damn progress...lol
  4. Gem:

    Gem: Guest

    No problem..
    Eh youtu.be... was around since 09.. just not really used much until lately
    We'll catch up soon, Im pretty sure next update will take care of that.
  5. PenelopeS

    PenelopeS Guest

    this is so funny and CLEVER!
    i have thought it would be funny to see one made from an old nextel phone - that yellow/black one.
  6. Azazel

    Azazel Guest

    yea, I have one of those somewhere, have to see if I can find it

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