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My First Pulse Width Modulator Mod

Discussion in 'Vape Mod Talk' started by milkman, Apr 7, 2015.

  1. milkman

    milkman Guest

    Well, now that I have made my first VV boxmod, I thought I would try out some other technologies.

    Tonite I breadboarded my first PWM (pulse width modulation) mod circuit. It is a very simple circuit involving a 555 squarewave oscillator driving a MOSFET. It oscillates at a constant frequency, you adjust the duty cycle to give you a "virtual" varying voltage determined by the setting of your pot. It will run at 10% min to 90% max duty cycle. So with 8V of batt, it should vary from about .8v - 7.2v. Since it's not pure DC, it is kinda tricky measuring the output.

    You are basically driving your atty at full dual batt voltage but oscillating the current. The result is much better battery life and cool operation. A winner all around.

    I am embarrassed that I do not know where I got this design *;D but it is beautiful in its simplicity. Thanks to the designer (whoever you are) for this design.

    Note: this is the first of two PWM circuits I intend to try.

    Note also: I had all parts on hand, cost negligible.


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  2. dnb

    dnb Guest

    Here's a pic of the breadboarded PWM operating. Looks like a bunch of spaghetti, I know, but it really consists of only 2 main components plus some resistors, 1 cap and 2 diodes

  3. hordolmer

    hordolmer Guest

    It is amazing what you do man. I seem to always be impressed with the mods you make daily! Have you ever thought about making and selling your mods?
  4. porkbuns

    porkbuns Guest

    Thanks Skorne .. I find these projects very inspirational. I must admit I haven't quit smoking ciggies yet but, thanks to vaping, I have cut it in half. With my new Googly-Eyed VV, I think I have finally found the vaping that truly satisfies my urge to smoke, blowing smoke rings and all :) That original 510 will probably just stay in the drawer, HV is so much more satisfying.

    I was looking for a way to solve heat problems (that LM350 gets warm, meaning it's wasting battery) and extend battery life (not that it has been a problem for me, just thinking it would be nice). I had read about a couple of mods that use PWM to accomplish that. The problem with commercial ones was the price. So I thought "Why not make my own?" I googled and found several PWM circuits, including two custom made for PV's. This is the first one, trying it out on a breadboard.

    Thanks again
  5. blkbelt

    blkbelt Guest

    Seriously, I want to buy one of your mods! I understand what you told me before, and I respect your wishes. I hope I am not pressuring you too much. I am ready to buy a Diamonte from vaperlife, just for the varivolt with pulse tech, but i would rather fund you.

    I would love for you to work with Imeo to make the varivolt unit for the GGTS. I would LOVE PWM varivolt tech in my GG. That would be heaven!

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