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My Clear Modbox

Discussion in 'Vape Mod Talk' started by DiMack, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. DiMack

    DiMack Guest

    Got some clear cartos and thought a clear boxmod would be cool to go along with it. Made all of MV parts, with all parts soldered to the little circuit board (including a tactile switch). Wiring done with CAT5e network cable (24 ga stranded, color-coded). 14500 prot battery and 510. Please understand..this is my first homemade mod ;) but certainly not my last. I will get better, I promise


  2. naqsh

    naqsh Guest

    A good looking mod what kind of parts did you build with.
  3. looks like it belongs on star trek...nice
  4. badbob

    badbob Guest

    Thanks much for the complement :)

    Most parts from Madvapes.com ... consisting of:)

    Clear 2-AA battery box with power switch ($2 MV)
    14500 Trustfire Battery ($5 MV)
    510 battery connector ($1 goodprophets.com)
    Small printed circuit board ($1 MV)
    100g Tactile Switch ($2 MV)
    2 Resistors 470 ohm 1/4 watt (from junk box)
    2 LEDS (1 power, 1 FIRE indicator)(from junk box)
    CAT5e wire (24 ga stranded) (from junk box)
    Superglue Gell

    Cost: about $6 (plus battery) .. time: about 2 hours (but I am a perfectionist) .. Holes drilled too small then enlarged to a tight fit with my chainsaw file.

    Yellow LED lets me know I have the power switch on, Bright White while vaping. Using Ohms Law: I = e squared / R .. Power LED draws 4*4 / 470 or about 34 milliamps. I know that's a waste of energy for a power LED, but it's worth it. Besides, with a 900 mAh battery, it would take over a day to run the battery down from the LED. Also, I like the glow :)

    Closeups of my circuitboard (crummy, did them with my webcam, hope they look ok)


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  5. sidhants

    sidhants Guest

    Beam me up Scotty :)

    MAUREENL Guest

    Nice! Looks Great! Im sure some one would mention to possibly beef up the the button.. cough cough...
    Eh.. I miss my box making days... You should try adding the color changing LED for the constant :)
    Just giving you ideas to stay busy, keep up the good work!
  7. SeanBrackeen

    SeanBrackeen Guest

    Looks like a nice little 3.7 box. I am a big fan of clear boxes makes it easier to explaine to new people how they work
  8. UltimateW

    UltimateW Guest

    My clear mod in action :)


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    Wow, do you see a face in the cloud? Bazaar.....
  9. TrppleGld

    TrppleGld Guest

    That's one cool looking Mod asnider123, Do you vape clear liquids as well. Now to find a clear battery and a clear PCB.
    If you vape long enough, you may become invisible.

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