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My 1-AAA flashlight mod

Discussion in 'Vape Mod Talk' started by Babushka!, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. Babushka!

    Babushka! Guest

    Hi, been gone a few days on business, now I'm back. Came up with a brainstorm while sitting in the Marriott, a 10440 fl mod with a recessed 801 carto.

    Started with a Chicom Cree C3-clone aluminum twist-switch 1-AAA pocket light. Removed head tube and gutted it. Using original LED cartridge, I removed the voltage-boost components and LED and rewired it with an 801 batt connector.

    Put it together tonite and I think it's kinda neat. Still working out how to fit a protected 10440 into a light made for a AAA cell, it's 2mm longer than the original. Temp fix was a couple of felt washers on the butt end of the tube.

    Anyway, I know a lot of you have already made these, but it's my first, hope you like it .....

    Flashlight, Ebay $2
    801 connector, goodprophet.com $1
    801 Carto, madvapes.com $1.50
    Total $3.50

    The original LED cart with the 801 connector

    801 carto mounted on LED holder

    Assembled unit, note felt washers


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