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Mini Reo wont fire with certain batteries?

Discussion in 'Vape Mod Talk' started by Telly, Apr 7, 2015.

  1. Telly

    Telly Guest

    Just squired a Mini Reo in a trade and am having an issue.

    With the AW 14500s I got with the trade the Reo fires every stinking time but while those are charging I pop in an Ultra-fire 14500 that I had with my copper mod. No fire....hmmm.. Look to see if I am getting contact at the firing pin/switch and I am, put an AW 14500 back in and vapes like a champ again.

    Take the Ultra-fire and put it in several other mods (GGTS, Phidias, Copper, Multimeter) and all is well.

    Anyone got tricks tips or voodoo to help you know who?
  2. ClumsyPeg

    ClumsyPeg Guest

    I would check the Ultrafire to make sure the outer wrapping isn't blocking a contact somewhere. If the batt is very snug, it could also be putting too much pressure on the PCB and tripping the protection. Some of the Trust/Ultra fire batts are longer than they should be and they do not fit properly. All the other mods you tried the batt on can handle varying batt length better than the REO (assuming you had to use spacers on the Phidias).
  3. Cutiegirlxo

    Cutiegirlxo Guest

    Yeah I am stumped here.

    It vapes on every other mod but not the REO....

    I decided to investigate further and pulled the atty to see if I am getting juice to the atomizer positive post which I am it just will not vape with the Ultrafire battery.

    Guess there is resistance in the body of the REO causing this.

    It vapes on the GG, and the Phidias albeit not great but does vape. The AW is capable of a higher discharge so it must be overcoming the added resistance of the REO
  4. ElaineB

    ElaineB Guest

    Check to make sure the spring isn't compressed too much. That is, of course, assuming the Reo has a spring. I don't remember. If it is compressed then it could be causing the mod to short out. The only solution to this is to use a different battery.
  5. MaggieS

    MaggieS Guest

    Hoyt, do you have a multimeter? Take off the atty and check the voltage at the atty connector with the ultrafire. If you are getting 3.7, try a SR atty instead of an LR. I wonder if it is shorting?
  6. clubpenguin

    clubpenguin Guest

    A vapor without a multimeter is like a car with no windshield, you can drive it but you cant get there as fast........LOL

    I did.

    when I said I pulled the atty to see if I was getting "juice" to the atty positive post I did not really mean joose.

    I get 4.17 to the atty connection but it seems to not wanna push the atty. Probably just not got enough horsepower anymore.

    It really is not a big deal as the mini is not a primary device and I am not even sure if I am keeping it.
  7. Could be the protection circuit kicking in on the batt if your using a LR atty. I've had a couple of older ultra fire 14500's do that, they work fine with a Standard but not a 1.5 or 1.7 ohm'er.
    Switch out the atty and see if that works?
  8. DingDong

    DingDong Guest

    Thank you for saying in a concise way what I was trying to get across Cape. I really think it is either the PCB or too high of a drain.

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