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Melbourne Noob vape starter

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by VIVEK, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. VIVEK

    VIVEK New Member

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    Hi everyone,

    I have decided to take up vapers instead of smokes.

    Been researching on the internet in order to avoid asking the questions you guys may have already have answered, but after 3 hours of researching my brain has given up and am on this forum.

    So my questions are:
    1. What starter kit would you guys recommend to a newb like me? My budget is $150-200 including buying the juices separately.
    2. Where do you buy nicotine e-juice? I was looking through liberty-flights website and Halo.
    3. How much should I order on the basis I smoke 6-10 smokes a day and want to keep up to a month or 2 supply just to be set for awhile.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. RonnieNewman

    RonnieNewman New Member

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    Starter kits

    VK Deluxe Starter Kit

    HOV Deluxe Kit | House of Vape


    Halo is world renowned. A good place to start, id recommend getting a sample pack or two and going from there. If you order the starter kit above that comes with doubler you may wish to order in some nicotine base, what strength cigarette are you used to?
  3. UltraDivinus

    UltraDivinus New Member

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    Thanks for the quick reply

    I am used to about 12ml? I smoke Winfield Optimum crush blue
  4. algarvia

    algarvia New Member

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    1) Kits. $150 is more than enough for a good starter setup. Except for nicotine you can buy everything locally:

    KangerTech eMow kit
    Aspire .comtilus or .comtilus Mini atomizer + Eleaf iStick battery
    KangerTech AeroTank Mini or AeroTank V2 + Eleaf iStick battery

    Most vapers have at least a couple of atomizers, or atomizers & batteries, to use as backups and to have multiple flavours and/or nicotine strengths available.

    2) Collectively we buy liquids worldwide, and there are dozens of vendors being recommended.
    But it's most economical to buy unflavoured nicotine base liquid and non-nicotine juice from.coms vendors, then mix the two.

    3) Very rough rule-of-thumb: 2ml a day. But some people use 0.5ml some go through 10ml.
  5. Curious George

    Curious George New Member

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    Vaping is not smoking, you can't do a direct conversion from what you smoked to how much nicotine you need to feel satisfied.

    If you buy your own nicotine you can mix to whatever strength you need. If you're buying premixed from overseas get a couple of strengths such as 12mg, 6mg and possibly 18mg.
  6. nogajlo29s

    nogajlo29s New Member

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    If thats dark blue then yea theyre 12s, id hike up to 24mg if I were you. In vapour form you need a higher concentration of nic be.comse without the ammonia acting as a carrier as it does with normal tobacco, the lungs dont absorb it as easily, so, for example i smoked winnie gold which are 8s and hiked up to 18mg, most people jump up around 10mg. i just say 25mg for you cos it is easy to mix with using doublers if you buy this nic here
    Less than one liter || Unflavored Nicotine Liquid || NicVape

    You will want to grab some syringes and empty dropper bottles, both are much cheaper on ebay than from vape stores, like 1/4 the price, and from the vape stores or nicvape linked above maybe invest in some more doublers so you can benefit from saving heaps by DIY. It is like so much cheaper than buying premixed nic :)

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