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"Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

Discussion in 'Vape Mod Talk' started by post, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. post

    post Guest

  2. Wah!

    Wah! Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    My biggest concern is just like any other cartomizer I have. what is the wicking like with the map tank? I have the E2 and they are crap I seem to alway's get the one's that are pinched inside and get no more then 4 hit's off till it stop's wicking and then the regular cartomizer's with the filler at 5v and higher burn's through 20 drop's in 10 pull's basically the cartomizer's for me have been nothing but a waste of money
  3. lovemeforme

    lovemeforme Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    these wick fine, nowhere near stock ce2 carto's.
  4. Gobling

    Gobling Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    Great video, really makes me want one now! Thanks for making it!

    Do you mean that the tank helps wick better?
  5. girlfriend

    girlfriend Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    What blow's my mind is you have one and other's do but I have watched the web and they have been out of stock for a bit now. I usually wouldn't get anything like that either but your video did make it seem worthy.
  6. Kayd

    Kayd Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    I also try to get one but it's hard to find...No stock anymore since a while.
    It seems to be in stock in a couple of days...
  7. "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    for some reason these DO wick better then a stock CE2, dunno why.
  8. lil_mija

    lil_mija Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    honestly cartos work fine for me around 4volts, 5 i think is too high for anything that has filler material in it. whenever i ran cartos at 5 or 6 volts you get that brown burnt liquid in them and they dont taste so good after a day or so.
  9. PennyD

    PennyD Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    I was notified last week when some came in stock, went straight there when I got the e-mail and they were all gone already. we're talking in like 3 minutes time.
  10. dodge_ken

    dodge_ken Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    so has anyone tryed these at 5v. i have a tekk mod and would love to have one but afraid it will taste burnt.. i dont want to waste $30.... i would think the
    3.2ohm ones would work...
  11. TrudyC

    TrudyC Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    Vermonster13 i just had the same problem. must be a bitch to make these things so he gives small batches. i might be forced to try and make one myself eh?
  12. DragonK

    DragonK Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    I got a notification last night and managed to score one of each voltage. When I get them I'll let you know what I think. I'll be trying on 3.7, 5, 6 and 7.4 volt.
  13. mejack

    mejack Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    well shit man one of each? is that a tad over kill? lol
    let me know if you want rid of one cus ill buy it off you.
    the ohm is not really a huge deal i just want the tank, i can put any ohm e2 carto in it.
  14. Bookworm

    Bookworm Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    I really like the idea here. This is basically a huge carto with clear sides so you can see the level. I bet it is the cat that the wick gets fluffed out a bit and isn't as crimped over that gives the better wicking. I will have to try one of these once the craze has died down a bit and it wont be such a pain to get one.
  15. gertie

    gertie Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    I want to keep each tank juice specific and the limit was one of each voltage set-up. Figure I can swap the cartos out to whatever works best for me.
  16. CLynn

    CLynn Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    well, thats true. i tend to forget people like a multitude of diff flavors of liquid. i really only vape about 3 flavors and they are all of the tobacco nature. but theres the answer to my question, folks are buying up 2 or 3 in one punch so COV runs out fast, like the effin jordan shoe.
  17. meandean

    meandean Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    Got them today. 3 for the price of one AVS and they rock.
  18. righttonn

    righttonn Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    *mean face* ;)
  19. Mushrms

    Mushrms Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    That wasn't very polite. No MAP Tank for you. "Evil chuckle"

    LEONARDR Guest

    "Map-Tank" CE2 mod By MostAngryPirate

    lol well, there is still a few left now at this time. i picked one up.

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