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Leonardo DiCaprio's vaping is 'deeply troubling,' says American Lung...

Discussion in 'What's in the Vape News?' started by news, Feb 3, 2016.

  1. news

    news Active Member

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    Leonardo DiCaprio, fresh off his fight with a bear in The Revenant, already has a new opponent — the American Lung Association. The health organization has slammed DiCaprio after pictures of the actor huffing on an e-cigarette at last weekend’s Screen Actors Guild awards came to light, calling his actions "deeply troubling," and chastising him for exposing his peers to secondhand smoke.

    The actor reportedly pulled out his vape pen at around 6.46 PM PST on Saturday night — according to a detailed recap of events provided by The Hollywood Reporter — while seated at his table. The flavor of the smoke contained within is yet to be confirmed. It’s not the first time Leo’s been spotted vaping, either — the actor was also observed to be using an e-cigarette multiple times during the 2014 US Open. At least on those occasions he made attempts to cover his secret shame, donning a cap, dark glasses, and a beard.

    Spot someone vaping at the #SAGawards Sat. night? Learn more about health risks of #ecigs: https://t.co/RxJN0sUA5S

    — American Lung Assoc. (@LungAssociation) February 2, 2016​
    While the American Lung Association says that Leo is setting a bad example, he might not actually be breaking the law. While vaping — like smoking — is prohibited in restaurants, bars, and other enclosed public spaces in LA, TMZ points out the ban doesn’t extend to "theatrical production sites," likely including the Shrine Auditorium where the SAG awards took place. Verge Video This is what vape-hacking looks like
    Be sure to subscribe to The Verge's YouTube channel for more videos
  2. Fatigah

    Fatigah New Member

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    South Africa
    Twisp or Liqua
    I'm sorry, what did I miss? why does this article make it sounds as though he pulled out a weapon of some sort??? LOL!

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