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just got started today.

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by double secret agent, Nov 6, 2015.

  1. double secret agent

    double secret agent New Member

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    I just got started today and I ordered a vantage kit from vaper empire. I also got the tobacco juice. All is good with how it's working(I think?!) but I'm finding it rather harsh and not all that pleasant tasting with the 18mg juice. Can I cut this down with another flavour or something or make it more pleasant? also, I noticed that their prices from the clearomisers are quite expensive when compared to other places. Do I HAVE to buy clearomizers from them to suit this thing?
  2. layetry

    layetry New Member

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    No, there are loads of different clearomisers that will fit your batteries. And pretty much all of them are much better than the ones you bought, and much cheaper.

    Tobacco flavour is not that nice, there are hundreds of flavours to choose from. Get a selection of sample size ones that sound good to you and you should find a few that you enjoy.
  3. morewss

    morewss New Member

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    I have 3 bottles of the same stuff and so I was wondering if I could mix a non-nic flavouring with it to make it a bit more bareable? I realise it takes time but I suppose I was expecting it to be much more pleasant to use than it is, I've been puffing on normal cigs, just be.comse they are more enjoyable than the juice I have :( I'm not sure if i ordered a too strong a nic level or what but smoking normal cigs at this point is much more enjoyable, but I'd like to give them away!
  4. aradashtolzeay5069

    aradashtolzeay5069 New Member

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    just did some reading. Can you add a doubler to a tobacco flavoured nic or do you have to have unflavoured?
  5. player62

    player62 New Member

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    What's the nicotine strength of the tobacco flavour you have?

    You can add a doubler to the tobacco juice but it will dilute the nicotine strength and it could ruin the juice if the flavours don't work together. So what flavour doubler were you planning to mix with it, and what kind of tobacco flavour do you have?

    Vanilla goes well with tobacco generally, but there's all kinds of combinations that might work.

    Have you thought about adding a bit of menthol doubler to the tobacco flavour you have. A lot of people like to vape menthol flavours, even those who didn't enjoy menthol cigarettes.
  6. Evangelinlyu

    Evangelinlyu New Member

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    yesitsme, I started only a week ago, haven't had a smoke since vaping. Like you my first juice was a straight tobacco flavour. I could not stand it. I also got some vanilla tobacco flavour and found that much more pleasant. But that only lasted a few days. Vaping flavours with nic now. 18mg is quite strong, try a 12mg flavour.

    get yourself some flavoured juice, not tobacco, try a vanilla or caramel, fruit maybe. Much better.

    Advice here for me has been great, stick with it.

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