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Is this fine?

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by kasengsrem, Sep 19, 2015.

  1. kasengsrem

    kasengsrem New Member

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    Hi guys.
    Been mixing up some nic-free flavours with my nicotine bottle I got from HC.

    I don't have separate VG or PG liquid, just 115ml of 36mg Nicotine at 75/25%.

    What ratio do I mix to get 12mg juice?

    Will a 50/50 mix of flavour and nicotine get around a 12mg juice? The Vape King calculator confuses me as far as the nicotine and PG/VG being separate.

    Any help or a formula I can use with my 36mg nic mix would be great!

    Thanks in advance!
  2. StinnyDat

    StinnyDat New Member

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    50/50 mix would get you 18mg from your 36mg nic.

    You need 1/3 of the total amount you want to make ... ie for 30ml you would use 10ml of nic to get 12mg juice from your 36mg.

    Not having any plain pg or vg is going to make it a bit trickier to get the nic level you want. You may be able to use distilled water or vodka instead but I'd wait until someone more knowledgeable chimes in ...
  3. dqrk

    dqrk New Member

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    Depends on the PG/VG of your flavor a little bit too, if theses were 50/50 you would need roughly 2ml of flavor to 3ml of nic to get around 12mg - this is all only very rough as in an ideal world you would want to be adding an additional 1ml or so of PG and perhaps around 3ml of VG to balance it all out, making a 50/50 10ml juice in 12mg at the end of the process.

    Check out eJuice Me Up Calculator, best I have found and use it regularly: eJuice Me Up - Best eJuice Calculator
  4. Blignee

    Blignee New Member

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    +1 on both of the above.

    Do not put the calculator in the too hard basket. It's necessary and important.

    Get your self some pg/vg. You will need it. you can get it in 3-4days from a local vendor, quicker if you write them and tell them it's an emergency.

    another calculator i find REALLY easy to use, very self explanatory is

    Filbert's Vaping Toolkit

    what strength are your flavours? are you using concentrates? or doublers (double strength flavour mix?) also known as double shots?

    don't be afraid to ask questions here or use the calculator and experiment with it we will help you. you don't have to mix by guesswork...you can practice using the calculator till you get the theory right and you'll be an expert in no time.
    i often triple check my mixes with 3 calculators to make sure i've got it right. overkill but i can't help it.
  5. arcturus01

    arcturus01 New Member

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    Excellent replies, guys!

    Haha, I feel stupid after reading the first response! Of course it's going to be 18mg with a straight 50/50 mix! Whoops!

    I had being trying to put off getting PG & VG but I see I am better off.

    Samtron, thanks for Filbert's calc. I had used it before and couldn't find it again. It has been bookmarked! Cheers!

    For the time being, could I just use a higher ratio of flavouring to knock it back towards 12mg range?

    Also something I noticed, I think my throat is a bit susceptible to the PG. I sometimes can feel an itchy sensation on my throat. I am still trying experimenting but I may be one of the ones that PG can affect. I think I will get a lower ratio of PG from now on.

  6. fdsklfdlks

    fdsklfdlks New Member

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    You can get Melrose brand VG from a health food store for around $8 per 200ml, no need to wait for a vendor to ship it, then add 10ml of your nic 15ml of the doubler & 5ml VG together to get 12mg/ml.
  7. atom14061983

    atom14061983 New Member

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    Hey there,.coms Rider 22.. just a thought around the throat irritation. We were talking about newbies and that throat irritation this morning, and are inclined to think it has a lot to do with the way new vapers actually vape. You need a slightly different technique than the one we used for smoking. I suggest a little experimentation. Take your time and inhale more slowly than you would on a ciggie, say about 3-4 seconds of constant and slow inhaling, and then let it rest in your mouth for a moment, before inhaling if you choose to. The latest research is showing that the nicotine is actually mainly inhaled through the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, so you actually can get your nicotine without needing to inhale. It does take a minute or so to reach the brain/blood to good levels, compared to cigarette smoke which delivers nicotine in just a few seconds. That's one of the biggest adjustments. The gratification from the nicotine is slightly delayed to what it is when we smoked it.

    Of course, your mileage may vary!

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