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Ireland bans sale of vapes to minors

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by VPFIT, Dec 22, 2023.

  1. VPFIT

    VPFIT Member

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    Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
    VPFIT Insbar-II
    Ireland bans sale of vapes to minors
    According to the BBC report on December 21, Ireland has enacted a new law that prohibits the sale of vapes to people under the age of 18 in Ireland. Violators will be fined up to 4,000 euros and imprisoned for up to six months. The bill is effective from December 22nd.
    Ireland's Health Minister Stephen Donnelly said he was pleased the ban could be implemented before Christmas.
    The ban in the Republic of Ireland is in line with similar laws in the UK. England and Wales introduced the ban in 2015, Scotland followed in 2017 and Northern Ireland revised it in 2022.
    The latest ban is part of wider measures to help tackle vape use among young people. Other countries, such as Australia, have taken steps to try to curb nicotine addiction in children by banning the use and importation of disposable vapes.
    Earlier this year, the Irish government introduced the Public Health (Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhalation Products) Bill 2023 to prevent children from smoking or using nicotine inhalation products.
    In addition to prohibiting the sale of such goods to persons under 18, the bill would also:
    • Ban the sale of tobacco and nicotine inhalation products at children’s events
    • Stop self-service sales of tobacco and vapes
    • Introducing a strict licensing regime for the retail sale of such products
    • Advertising of such products around schools and on public transport is prohibited
    Public consultation on these measures will run until January 5, 2024.

    Influence to vape manufacturers, distributors and retailers.
    The ban on the sale of vapes to minors in Ireland has significant implications for vape manufacturers, distributors, and retailers.
    Firstly, vape manufacturers will need to ensure that their products are clearly labeled with age restrictions and take measures to prevent underage sales. This may involve implementing stricter age verification processes for online sales and working closely with retailers to enforce the ban.
    What's more, vape distributors will also need to adapt their practices to comply with the new regulations. They will have to ensure that they only supply vape products to licensed retailers and take steps to prevent underage sales. This may involve providing training and resources to retailers on age verification and responsible sales practices.
    In addition, for vape retailers, the ban means they will need to strictly enforce age restrictions and refuse sales to minors. They may be required to implement ID checks and train their staff to recognize and prevent underage sales. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines and potential damage to their reputation.
    Overall, the ban on the sale of vapes to minors in Ireland puts pressure on the entire vape industry to prioritize responsible sales practices and protect young people from the potential harms of vaping. It is a step towards promoting the safe and responsible use of vape products while preventing underage access and addiction.

    Information analyzed by VPFIT, disposable pod vape factory.

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