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I miss short draws

Discussion in 'Vape Politics and Media' started by hiepkun, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. hiepkun

    hiepkun New Member

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    whats up people, I'm relatively new to vaping and enjoying it

    So far i've been happy with my basic ego battery and clearo set up but one thing i'm finding a little irksome is the long draw times. How do I make it so I can get a satisfying cloud of vape in 2 seconds or so?

    Also i've heard that you could get your imported goods seized if the packaging makes therapeutic claims - just wondering how common it is for stores to make such claims. I've not had a problem with that yet

    thanks for your time :)
  2. wizardking

    wizardking New Member

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    Welcome Spectre,

    It's a different draw to the smokes unfortunately - you have to allow time for the liquid to vaporise on the coil, and you're going to have to use a lighter draw. You are going to have to look at a rebuildable atomiser and a VV/VW or Mechanical mod of you want massive big clouds. You could try a VV/VW mod with your clearo though and up the power

    If you are ordering from overseas, most vendors will not make those claims on their products. Vendors here are the same.
  3. chocobo88

    chocobo88 New Member

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    i also missed the short draw when i started vaping. even after all this time, i feel a bit strange sitting with a group of smokers who all have quick, pecky little draws at their smokes, while i take a long, slow suck on my pv. you do get used to it though, and i don't even notice it when i'm at home any more. it's only when i'm with smokers that i even think about it. give it a bit of time. vaping will become as second nature as smoking used to be, but oh so much healthier for you, and cheaper, too :D
  4. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Dual 28g 8 & 1/2 wraps in a magma on a mech is pretty good for me at the moment, 18mg juice so nice throat hit and plenty of vapor and pretty short draws but probably more airy than you would be used to if starting out fresh off the cigs, but in time rebuildable is the way to go for tailoring your setup to get what you want, if you want that type of vape (which i do) this is as close as i've got so far, i can hit this thing like a smoke and no dry hits etc, happy as a ........
  5. wag mayonsE

    wag mayonsE New Member

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    I'm currently using Kanger EVODs with Vision Spinners which goes up to 4.8v and i'm finding that a lot of my juices are already burning at 4.5v or so. Would this be a limitation of my set up or my juice? Thanks a lot for the info bout the vendors, I feel more at ease about ordering

    yeah I'm definitely feeling a bit odd around my mates when we're having a puff. I'm kinda use to the long drags on my pv but i think I would still prefer the short ones. Not at the cost of my health though of course haha

    I'm interested in getting into more advanced set ups but as i'm new i'm not sure where to go from here. I can live with my current set up but I would love more throat hit and vapor. Thanks for mentioning your set up, gives me something to look into

    Thanks for the responses everyone. I think I'm going to start looking for something more advanced than what I have. If anyone wants to point me in a direction I'd appreciate it

  6. Mrs.Bossy

    Mrs.Bossy New Member

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    Vape 48 mg juice. Also question. shell be right.

    But really I think you just miss ciggies.

    So have a few ciggies.
  7. Payobia

    Payobia New Member

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    Hi Spectre, you need to match the voltage to the resistance of your coil. You probably have 1.8 ohm coils, so as a kind of ball park figure, +2 for ideal voltage, therefore, 3.8 volts is about perfect for the 1.8 ohm Evod. You can get higher resistance coils.. 2.1 ohms from memory, and these are good at 4.1 - 4.2 volts generally speaking. As the coil ages, the resistance goes up, so you can start driving them a little higher voltage. Rarely is it a good idea to run them at the highest voltage your battery allows for.
  8. Karen Phondeth

    Karen Phondeth New Member

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    Just get used to the slow draw and enjoy it. Best things in life are taken slow.....
  9. angelasyanexta1151

    angelasyanexta1151 New Member

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    It's a limitation of your setup. The Evod's cant handle too much heat. Getting into rebuildables allows for a lot more heat which brings with it more vapour/flavour/throat hit.
  10. Crebuinue

    Crebuinue New Member

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    Pretty much.
    Any rebuildable and a mod I only take short drags on, the high nic helps too.
    Most builds I do, I'd challenge anyone to take a long drag on. I'm still on 18mg/ml nic during the day and 12mg/ml nic at night, most people vaping for a while would be on less, most people using builds similar to mine would be on less.
    So my combo of mods/builds and juice does it right for me. I'm not a lung inhaler, in fact my lungs are shit, always have been in fact I couldn't even smoke more than half a pack a day without being unable to breathe or feel like crap the next day, hence my way, shallow vaping at high strength and builds with a fair bit of vapour.
  11. ljdedseyrocfo

    ljdedseyrocfo New Member

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    You may be able to shorten your draw with one of the newish Aspire BVC clearomizers (K1 or .comtilus mini). You can run them hotter without burning or dry hits.
  12. flubaphone

    flubaphone New Member

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    Yep, the BVCs are giving me a really good short draw. This on a CE5s clearo 1.8 ohm coils running @ 4.2V.

    I imagine the same or better on the .comtilus versions, but have yet to get my sweaty little palms on those ones...

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