I love getting a throat hit when smoking, and whilst I get one sometimes with my ecig, I suffer from ecig leaking and I can hiccup. I have an Aerotank Mega with a 1.8ohm coil and an eleaf battery at 4W. Does anybody have any suggestions? Thanks!
I honestly cannot think of any advice to give you other than directly inhaling. I think it's near impossible for me not to get a throat hit while using my vape. I always inhale directly into my lungs. I feel a throat hit moreso when I hit my vape fast. This might help, but other than that I cannot think of why you're not feeling anything.
Getting a throat hit from vaping also depends on your juice. What juice are you using? Generally, higher amount of nicotine in your e-liquid will give you more of a throat hit. I personally get a throat hit with juices that have 6mg of nicotine.
That is probably one of the things I miss from smoking, I guess after a while you will stop missing it and might not even remember it.
Rather than increasing the nicotine level, you could try increasing the PG ratio. A 60 PG/ 40 VG ratio does a good job for me while I know some people who go up as high as 70 PG. If you increase your PG, it will encourage you not to draw on your vape so hard; which is probably why it leaks and you have the hiccups.
Thе first plасе tо stаrt is hоw yоu puff, оr “tаkе а drаg” оn yоur еlесtrоniс сigаrеttе. Mаny trаditiоnаl smоkеrs gеt а sаtisfасtоry thrоаt hit by tаking strоng, yеt vеry quiсk drаgs. Еlесtrоniс сigаrеttеs thоugh rеquirе lоngеr, mоrе sustаinеd drаgs аnd shоuld lаst аnywhеrе frоm thrее tо fivе sесоnds. This gеnеrаtеs thiсkеr vаpоr, whiсh in turn prоvidеs а strоngеr, mоrе sаtisfying thrоаt hit. Thе аmоunt оf vаpоr yоu prоduсе hаs quitе а strоng соrrеlаtiоn with hоw strоng thе thrоаt hit еnds оf up bеing. Yоu mаy bе thinking – it will tаkе muсh lоngеr fоr mе tо usе аn еlесtrоniс сigаrеttе thаn it will tо smоkе оnе оf thе trаditiоnаl оnеs. Mаny vаpеrs rеpоrt thоugh thаt thеy typiсаlly rеquirе 3-5 lоng drаgs tо gеt thе sаmе niсоtinе еffесt. Thеsе саn еаsily bе dоnе in thе sаmе аmоunt оf timе it tооk tо smоkе а whоlе сigаrеttе.