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Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by proud_mommy, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. proud_mommy

    proud_mommy New Member

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    Additional Information

    This is concentrated flavoring and should be mixed with PG and/or VG before vaping.

    The recommended percentage for DIY ranges from 5% to 12%.

    Note: When it is our only option, larger sizes may be sent as multiple 10mL bottles.

    now hears what i dont get...dose this need to be mix with pg....for example if i take 1mil of and mix it with 10..or 9 mil of pg giving me 10mil of flavour with a 100%pg...then i mix it with nic useing the ejuce me up cal....or is the % put in ejuce me up cal at 10% and for the vg/pg section i just tix that box that say's zero pg/vg
  2. tkw829

    tkw829 New Member

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    With ejuice me up calculator, you put your nic base pg/vg percentage at the top, and you nicotine % in mg.

    When your putting your flavour % in leave the pg/vg box unticked.

    At the bottom it will have your desired % for pg/vg for the whole mix.

    The calculator will take into account the pg/vg in your nic base, and tell you how much more plain pg/vg you will need to add to get your desired pg/vg ratio for the whole mix.

    Sometimes it will tell you that you can't have negative amounts of pg or vg, depending on what ratio you want for the final mix, but this is usually just a matter of changing your desired ratio for the whole mix, slightly.

    Normally I wouldn't bother about putting in any pg/vg amounts for the flavourings be.comse the % is only tiny anyway.

    The mix you will end up with will be :


    X amount of mls of nicotine base, depending on the strength you want.

    X amount of mls of vg , depending on the ratio you want

    X amount of mls of pg, depending on the ratio you want

    Unless your flavour concentrate makes up more than 20% of the total mix, I don't usually bother putting in a pg % for this. As long as you get the correct amount of nicotine base right, the rest does not necessarily have to be exactly correct, unless you're making juice on a commercial basis. If you're just making it for yourself, you can be less strict about % of pg or vg, as long as its close to what you wanted. So if you want a 60/40 pg/vg mix, if the final mix ends up 65/35 its not really noticeable in the final mix.

    When mixing I usually put the concentrates in first, at whatever percentage it says in the recipe, (the % suggested are a guide only, a lot is just trial and error).

    Then I add plain vg or pg in the amounts suggested by the calculator.

    Then last of all I add the unflavoured nicotine base in the amount suggested by the calculator.

    Give a shake, and let it steep for however long, then vape :)
  3. subtleanarchy

    subtleanarchy New Member

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    ok so the defoult for e juice me up is 100%pg so i just leave that as is....and when i look at the flavour contrates it say around about a 10% rasio.. so would i also be correct in thinking that a 10mil bottle of contrate will make a 100mil ??
  4. Dragon Noir 01970

    Dragon Noir 01970 New Member

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    Have a look at the calculator again oxey, be.comse I think you're looking at the mg of nicotine, not the %. The de.comlt for ejuice me up is 100mg nicotine. You will need to change that to whatever mg your nicotine base is, for example mine is 36mg unflavoured nicotine base, and my desired strength is 18mg.

    If you nicotine base is 100% pg, then you put it in as 100% pg. (I can't remember what the de.comlt was, be.comse I changed my de.comlt to 30pg 70vg)

    You are correct, a 10ml bottle of concentrate, mixed at 10%, would give you 100ml of final mix.

    You can use more than one flavour in a mix, but its good to start with no more than three flavours in your recipe when you first start DIY, less confusing.

    A lot of it is guess work with what % of concentrate to add, so its a good idea to start low, then add more if the flavour is not strong enough. Start at about 2-3% and work your way up, (make notes of what % you like be.comse then you will know for the next time you want to use the concentrate). Much easier to add a little more concentrate, then to dilute down a final mix.

    Mixing isn't an exact science, its more like cooking, most of the time you are going on smell and taste. The only thing you really have to be exact with is the nicotine %. The rest is really down to personal tastes :)

    GAWD, I hope I'm not confusing you :)

    Edit: BTW some concentrates are really strong, particularly the coffee ones, where you mix using drops not % or mils. One of the coffee ones I have, (Capella caramel cappuccino) I mix 2 drops per 10ml . Anymore than this and all you can taste and smell is burning car tyres.
  5. skarmoutsos

    skarmoutsos New Member

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    was talking about was next to flavour you can input your pg/vg reasios...the defoult is 100%pg....all the other bit i get... be.comse not worried about pg so i just leave that one at 100%pg

    View attachment 14148

    so is this right
  6. patrikmjnra8310

    patrikmjnra8310 New Member

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    Thanks for the screen shot, that makes things a whole lot more clear :) Yep you got it right, most concentrates come in a pg base anyway, so leaving it at 100% is fine. :)
  7. bmaximslittley2373

    bmaximslittley2373 New Member

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    ty very much just dident know what to put when it was alcole based or dident say.....now i know ty for all the help
  8. WilletteWright

    WilletteWright New Member

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    I'd be interested to know how strong you go on your flavoring oxey??? I'm experimenting with a bottle of Hangsen RY4 concentrate and it says best outcome is between 10-15%. My first flavor strength was at 10% and was tasteless, mind you that was with no steep time. I've since taken it up to 12% and it seems be alright:encouragement::encouragement::encouragement:
  9. Easeree

    Easeree New Member

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    If you're using 36mg 100% PG nic then like Spud said, that's looking good. Don't forget you can change your final PG:VG (if you're after something different from 50:50) by changing the 'target pg and target VS fields low on the left. Also, work with percentages rather than drops.

    Edit - One more thing, try starting even lower than the recommended and working your way up - Find what works for you, that's the b.comty of DIY. Tailor made juices for your own personal taste. It's equal to wearing a suit you bought straight from the rack or getting one tailor made, it's hard to go back to something that just doesn't quite fit you!
  10. calechna

    calechna New Member

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    You generally can't use the same percentages from one flavour to the next. Check out this thread on ECF, Jimi D. is somewhat a legend when it comes to
    Hangsen DIY.
    *Edit / Warning - Just ignore his pure nic wording there. That's only going to confuse you. He doesn't mean use pure nic, no one should!

    Keep in mind your hardware will make a difference too.

    Start low and add more - it's much easier than trying to remove it! Keep notes on how much you sample so you can calculate exactly where you are at each time you want to add more.

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