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Help needed reducing nicotine, thanks

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by Sanyok, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. Sanyok

    Sanyok New Member

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    Hi everyone, I haven't been on the forum for a while but been off the smokes for about 1 year now, best thing I ever did was to start vaping.
    I have just ordered my next shipment which is the 36 mg nicotine and I have tobacco flavor doublers [100 pg] on order as well, so 1/2 and 1/2 mixture of both get me the 18 mg result i have been using since I started.
    I would like to know how I could start to reduce the strength say down to 17mg, 16mg and so on when I am ready to do it.
    I have full bottles of PG and VG on hand, if anyone could help me work this out I would be very grateful as always.
    Thank you.
  2. ArlenHorneynt

    ArlenHorneynt New Member

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    Hi BLS - Much much easier to manage using 100mg/mL nicotine.. but basically.. you can either use one of the many calculators around...

    a = mg/mL required. b = volume(mL) of bottle. c = density of nicotine you have to work with.

    a x b = c
    c/b = mL of nic liquid to add to flavouring, then top up with PG or VG for desired ratio of PG:VG.

    So if you want to make a 30mL bottle of 17mg/mL with your 36mg/mL nicotine liquid, this is what you'd do

    a = 17 (mg/mL)
    b = 30 (mL)
    a x b = 510 (c)
    510/36 = 14.16mL
    If your flavour is a doubler, you'd add 15mL of flavour to 14.1mL of 36 mg/mL nicotine liquid and .9mL of VG or PG or any combination adding up to 0.9mL.

    With what you're working with, you have virtually an all PG mix. I would recommend at least 20% VG for a more satisfying, smoother vape. To do that, you'd need to get at least one element of the mixture in a VG base (either nicotine or flavouring) or get yourself a higher density nicotine liquid, like 100mg/mL.
  3. Jean

    Jean New Member

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    Any old ejuice calculator will do:

    eJuice Recipe Calculator

    Just change the target nicotine level when you want to start bringing it down.

    If you are using doublers, always put flavour as 50%


    So when you go to 17mg/mL, it will be this:


    and so on.

    Good luck.
  4. Antonio92

    Antonio92 New Member

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    Sorry, dont wanna hijack the thread here but i have a very similar question that honestly probably doesnt deserve its own thread. I have several 12mg juices that are quite frankly too strong for me, they are leaving me with a dry, scratchy throat aswell as a nasty nic aftertaste thats killing the flavor of my juice. Is there a way i can dilute these without destroying the flavor?

    Obviously i could order 0 nic juice of the same flavor and mix them, effectively halving the nic lvl but im concerned that 6mg will be too light and bring on nic cravings. The next thought was order 6mg juice of the same flavor but then my nic mixing maths arent the greatest. Does mixing 15ml of 12mg juice with 15ml of 6mg juice = 30ml of 9mg juice? This looks right, but im new to mixing anything haha. Alternatively should i invest in some straight 50/50 pg/vg and mix that right the 12mg juice?

    The numbers are giving me headaches -_-.
  5. Zectovatoft

    Zectovatoft New Member

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    If you're using a premixed ejuice, just buy a bottle of 0mg/mL of that ejuice.

    Now use this 0mg/mL flavoured batch to dilute your nicotine ejuice.

    You can use this calculator: http://concentrate.site50.net/calculator7.html

    Except where it says to add the pg or vg, use your flavoured 0mg/mL batch.

  6. olnipgb98y

    olnipgb98y New Member

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    Thankyou kindly :x.
  7. hagga

    hagga New Member

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    Thank you very much and have a great weekend.
  8. Wes

    Wes New Member

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    If you are using doubler (or trippler), you can thin your nic by adding the pg or vg. Say 36mg PG nic base you have and you want to reduce it to 16mg. So 16mg is 44.44% of 36mg (16/36=0.4444) so by doing that, when you take 10ml nic base out, add 44.44% of pg to that nic base. 44.44% of 10ml is 4.44ml and now you should have 20ml of 16mg nic pg base. Same principle applies if you want to thin it to less nic in your nic base.
  9. Steve the Fob

    Steve the Fob New Member

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    Thanks mate, much appreciated.

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