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HELP NEEDED PLEASE (my brain isn't working in this heat)

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by sauntee, Jan 10, 2016.

  1. sauntee

    sauntee New Member

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    Silly question be.comse I have confused myself by overthinking it.

    I have 10ml of 100mg base

    How much PG base do I need to add to my 10ml to have 12(.5)mg base so I can add this to my doublers once they arrive and make them ~6mg

    I have come up with

    80ml PG + 10ml /100mg= 12.5mg
    better half confused me and insists it is:
    40ml PG + 10ml / 100mg = 12.5mg

    Thanks in advance

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