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Health Journey

Discussion in 'Vape Talk' started by Jemintib, Oct 19, 2015.

  1. Jemintib

    Jemintib New Member

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    Hey All,

    I'm 3 weeks since I snap quit the smokes on the back on sub ohm goodness...keen to hear everyones health and well being take on vaping compared to analogs. Sleep? Focus? Fitness? Any change on colds and flu's patterns?

    I've been trying to imagine and predict some of the changes my body going through..it fascinates me.

    For me I'm sleeping less each night but in a good way. Feeling either just as rested or better...seems the body doesn't need to repair itself as much anymore? I dunno.

    What are some of the other body and health related experiences has everybody else had as a result of switching to Vapeing?

  2. miesqdark9867

    miesqdark9867 New Member

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    For me it was rough first couple of months.

    Sleep troubles, constantly coughing up gunk and taste buds went MIA.
    It wasnt vaping's comlt it was all the smoke chemicals leaving my body as my lungs and mouth started repairing themselves.
    My body was ejecting all the tar and cig by products, most of these issues cleared up in a month or two but everyone is different.

    I wont lie, i was a pig chain smoker 40 - 50+ a day 16mg since i was 16 yo the side effects hit me like a truck.
    But after watching a few vids on you tube and surfing vape forums i knew what to expect :)

    Everyone quits for their own reasons, mine was i was sick of paying more for cigs, (shallow i know)
    what ever that reason is for you, use it like a shield to stay strong and off the durries.

    this guy is alittle over the top but the vid is on point :chargrined:
  3. I've been working on my fitness for the past few years, and have been monitoring my heart rate during, immediately after exercise and during resting. My fitness have improved from exercise overall, but I've noticed during the past 3ish weeks as I've gone from pack a day, to 5 a day, to right now which is maybe 3 a week that my heart rate has dropped about 20 beats per minute while I'm exercising, and gets to resting significantly faster.

    The lack of yellow fingers and smelling like a chimney now is more actually important to me. I had bit of a milestone last night in the fact I went to the pub with mates and drank a pretty significant amount of booze, and didn't have one cigarette nor actually cared for one. The hangover this morning was far less brutal then it had been in the past after the inevitable pack of dunhills that goes with a night of drink. It was a truly foreign concept to wake up and my fingers not smelling and my chest not being heavy.

    I no longer wake up at 4am every morning for a cigarette. I sleep deeper. I get up easier. My body feels cooler, if only slightly.

    Smell is improving, little by little. Taste it fine in the morning, and can be bad at night, to the point I can't taste any of my liquids, which becomes frustrating. It'll get there though.

    Oh, and I THINK I'm richer. I'll have to sit down and do the math. I've bought fair of gear and juice lately. FedEx orcomspost comes weekly, at LEAST once, although they are slowing down as I work out what I like.
  4. karmelyn

    karmelyn New Member

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    hp 17 touchscreen laptop
    don't have one yet
    I'm sure it's better than cigarettes, much healthier I hope!

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