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HC flavour concentrates

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by quantuamranger, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. quantuamranger

    quantuamranger New Member

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    Hi everyone,

    I got me some HC flavours with my unflavoured nic order (100%PG, 36mg) and I've got some VG locally.

    I've got no idea where to start with mixing the flavours into the PG.

    Any guides on where to start ?

    Just for giggles, I made up 10ml 50/50 to give me 18%, and added 10 drops of coffee flavour..... did not want to wait for it to steep, and its got quite a strong TH, with a fairly hefty taste. Should I try more VG for the TH ?

    So should I be starting about 5 drops for 10ml of juice? (i realise its not that scientific to work in mls and drops, but ... ya-know!) Any idea if this will be the same for most of the flavours I got ?

    Cheers guys
  2. xatan

    xatan New Member

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    Mate use this to help you out.
    Filbert's Vaping Toolkit

    just take your time,read all the items put in what you do know ie what strength your nic is,what strength you want in finished mix,volume you want,pg/vg mix you want etc etc then hit calculate..

    start small as well (just till you get the hang of things..

    then yell for more help if stuck :)
  3. epinuePenly

    epinuePenly New Member

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    Thanks Olfella,

    I've also got ejuice me up.

    What I need is a starting point for the concentrates. Without one, It's pure guesswork. HC website doesn't give any indication of what % the concentrate should be as an 'ideal mix'

    I see another site say something like 2.5 - 5% would that be a reasonable assumption, if for example they were sourcing their flavours from the same source (I am assuming the concentrates I have are hangsen here) ?

    As it stands now, my first mix has calmed down a lot in terms of flavour over the afternoon.
  4. Janina

    Janina New Member

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    I started out by finding a couple of really simple recipes, and also mixing single flavours to judge the strength, (everyone has different views on what strength is right for them), I started low, and added more flavour concentrates until I got the right strength for me. I wrote down everything in a diary be.comse this gave me a good idea of what percentage to mix each flavour, and brand of concentrate, (they are all different again, just to make it more difficult). Its easier to add more concentrate, than it is to dilute down a mix, which is why I always start low.

    Once I got the hang of it I then started making my own recipes, and thats when the fun really starts :)

    Just keep at it, and keep good records, I guarantee you will refer back to your strength percentages again and again.

    2.5% is a good place to start for most concentrates, but if you're using strong concentrates, (you'll be able to smell them much more strongly), such as cinnamon, some tobacco flavours, menthol, and some fruit flavours, better to start at 1%. A good way to judge strength is to put a few drop in 10ml of water, and swish it around your mouth for a few seconds. This is a good way to judge whether the flavour will be over/under strength when you mix it.

    Its a pretty steep learning curve at the beginning, so relax a little and take things slowly, enjoy the journey, and in no time at all I will expect to see your recipes in the recipe thread :)
  5. wawalila

    wawalila New Member

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    Cheers spud - good idea on the water and flavour .. I'll give it a go, and start at 2.5 as you suggest - less for stronger ones
  6. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    I find with HC concentrates, most of the fruit types need to be used at around 10%, some as much as 20%, the mints are good at 5% or below.
  7. romtal72

    romtal72 New Member

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    Good on ya Noe, thanks
  8. kittyrat234

    kittyrat234 New Member

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    Here are my first attempts at mixing. comments and steep times included.

    Mix 1
    50/50 18mg Coffee
    20 drops Flavour
    Steep time
    16 hours, similar to commercial DK, a bit lighter.
    24 hours after adding 10 more drops - yummy.

    Mix 2
    40/60 14.4mg Watermelon
    15 drops flavor
    Steep time
    16 hours - too lite - added another 10 drops
    24 hours - not too bad, but could need a touch more, but afraid it will be overdone. slightly synthetic taste.

    Mix 3
    40/60 14.4 Blackberry
    15 drops flavor
    Steep time
    18 hours - too lite - added 10 drops
    24 hours - probably needs a touch more

    Mix 4
    Feel life Gold and Silver 18mg ready made
    + 15 drops Menthol
    Steep time none
    now vapable, menthol soft, probably needs a touch more

    Mix 5
    Lemon and Vanilla 18mg
    15 drops of each
    Steep time 5 hours
    The lemon tastes and smells like lemon Jif.... Vanilla far to underpowered.

    Mix 6

    50/50 estimate 15mg
    4.5ml PG and 4.5ml VG
    20 drops concentrate
    still steeping
  9. Blealoutt53

    Blealoutt53 New Member

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    These are all 10ml amounts?
    That would make most of them close to 10%
    General rule of thumb 30 drops = 1ml approx.
  10. Squeepe

    Squeepe New Member

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    Awesome Altered1 :) I just DIY testers up from HC tonight. I'm watching this space to see how you go with these.
  11. playday

    playday New Member

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    Cheers Misslee, did you get 10ml ready mixed? or the flavour concentrates?

    Yes Noe, 10ml's I assumed about 20 drops to the ml, but this was yesterday. Now I know better. So I'll just keep adding 10 drops at a time, let it sit and have another go. I figure I can keep adding until I get close to what I want, and then do another 10ml bottle.

    As I'm on leave at the moment, I'll be heading out to a cake supply shop to get some lorranne flavours as well
  12. agrenenk

    agrenenk New Member

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    Get some Neenish tarts while you're there, you'll make FatMan jealous LOL
  13. Reipssconnodo

    Reipssconnodo New Member

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    What, these? :) Looks nice !

    Does it come in a concentrate ? :p

  14. Envy

    Envy New Member

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    Dont think it comes in a concentrate but since you're going to the cake shop might as well pick some up ;)
  15. Caz

    Caz New Member

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    When I actually measured it by dropping into a 1.0 ml syringe I got 10 drops = 0.1 ml from a 10 ml bottle. It depends on the tip on the bottle. I now measure in ml with a 1.0 ml syringe and blunt needle.
  16. Nova

    Nova New Member

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    Using a standard HC 10ml concentrate bottle 30 drops = 1ml approx. I have measured it too.
  17. Trust and Believe

    Trust and Believe New Member

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    I grabbed only a few flavour concentrates to test the waters with my order, have since ordered some from VC to arrive soon.

    The flavours from HC were raspberry, colourless cola, green apple, guava, menthol. And wow the green apple smells spot on to the real thing. I made up 3 testers 5ml at 10% flavour 16mg 80/20 using The Filbert calculator mentioned earlier. Haven't tasted yet.

    Raspberry 8% & cola 2% - changed last minute instead of 8drops raspberry I used 7 & upped the cola to 3 drops, don't have a clue to what final % that would make it but judged on smell.
    Cola 10%
    Raspberry 8% & Menthol 2% - Smells great, my Hubbs thinks it smells like a cross of Cotton candy & vodka cruiser pom pom flavour.

    I'm heading out for the hunt for LorAnn flavours in T-bar this weekend as well. My taste buds get bored of the same flavours easily, so I'm guessing the more I switch it up the happier they'll be.

    Oh & eagerly waiting on how the coffee & blackberry do :)
  18. bre

    bre New Member

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    Good to know the difference with different brands
  19. Mario Marietto

    Mario Marietto New Member

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    I can already answer on the coffee - it's great. A tad sweet, but almost like those kopiko sweets you can get. The blackcurrent - will try it today

  20. MerleMcfarland

    MerleMcfarland New Member

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    *gets up & finally gets glasses*
    Yes the black current very eager to see how that turns out, it was in my order but chicken out last second.

    Defiantly be adding the coffee to my next order if it tastes close to Kopiko my old friends.

    Now I don't know if all menthol (never seen it in liquid form) is meant to taste like this but I found this one very pepperminty & sweet like a candy cane with a big kicker. Is yours the same?

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