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For the survivalists out there

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by Vesta, Sep 29, 2015.

  1. Vesta

    Vesta New Member

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    For all the survivalists out there!!!

    A good while back before I started vaping, I bought a rechargeable recharging unit, for use with the phone and portable movie player. I spend a lot of time hanging around airports, and It came in handy. It spits out five volts via a USB connection. It was supposed to be 2000mah, but I very much doubt it ever was. It did its job for a few months, then went into the garage for “storage”.

    Reading another thread about solar chargers for ecig use prompted me to go and dig it out and see if it was still serviceable. I did and it wasn’t!!

    Good, time for a look see, as it wouldn’t take a charge. A little disappointed to find only four 13450 cells, each marked 2000mah, connected in parallel. 2000mah, Must be new technology!!! Each cell was marked 2000, not the pack.

    Checking further, the box it was mounted in would take four 18650 and still have room for the booster electronics and switchgear.

    As it happens I have a bunch of 18650 batteries stripped from a computer power pack, complete with solder tags (Thanks Stoney).

    Anyway, twenty minutes with a soldering iron and I had a new recharge powerpack that didn’t work!!! WTF. Checked all the sensible stuff, had a coffee and went back over everything again. Looking hard at the booster circuit, which I have no idea what I am looking at, I see a minute push switch. Looking at the cover I see a plastic actuator molded into the lid. Need to put the lid on to make it functional!!!

    Tried it out with a pass-through and plugged my phone into it and everything is good. I don’t know how long it will take to charge the beast as the batteries were fully charged this morning. Just need to set up a solar charger now to keep it trickle charged for when Armageddon hits!!!
  2. urbicek

    urbicek New Member

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    u pimped that bitch good
  3. Chris

    Chris New Member

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    Nothing wrong with pimpin when money is at stake!!!
  4. comemierdas

    comemierdas New Member

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    Love what you've done, looks like that unit was built for those batteries:)
    I'm guessing you'd use it with USB charges like those supplied with eGo units etc, or have you found a USB charger for 18650/18500 etc batteries?

    A PCC that can handle 18650/18500 etc batts would be handy........though I guess you could just buy a bunch of spare batteries.

    The closest thing I've found in my quick google is something like this https://www.ledtorchshop.com.com/product/324/soshine-sc-s1-max-battery-charger
    Comes with a 12v car cig/light adapter. I have a 12v battery pack(bought to run my telescope) and it has a bunch of useful features including a couple 12v cig/light ports........so if we were out camping I could use it and the above charger to keep my Provari in business ;)

  5. h4x0r

    h4x0r New Member

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    hehe, thats slightly pimped at best :)
    I do love how ecigs are making people interested in tronics for the first time tho, to me, thats an achievement.
    ppl who had absolutely no fukn interest at all, buying multimeters and learnig ohms and volts and mAh .. and it finally MEANS something.

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