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Digiflavor drop 1.5 review

Discussion in 'Vape Reviews' started by wiz4vape, May 27, 2021.

  1. wiz4vape

    wiz4vape Member

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    Aegis and zeus
    Digiflavor drop 1.5 colors:

    - Rainbow
    - Black
    - Gunmetal
    - Silver
    - Blue
    - Rainbow SS
    - Blue Black
    - Gold



    - Size: 24*42mm
    - Coil: Dual coil configuration

    In the box:

    1* Drop V1.5 RDA
    2* Coils
    2* Feather Cotton
    1* Spare Parts Pack
    1* DF Triangular Tool
    1* BF Pin


    Drop 1.5 is atomizer 24mm in diameter. This atomizer comes in really nice package where you will receive coils, cotton and bf pin. Build quality of the atomizer is really good. On the top cap you can see nice details that will help you with airflow adjustment, also on the both sides of the atomizer you can see "Drop".


    This atomizer comes with 810 drip tip and you can use here any other 810 drip tip without any problem. Under the drip tip you can see the top cap and on the top cap you can see details that will help you to adjust the airflow. You can also take off the top cap and you can see how airflow is made here. Under top cap you can see the chamber that stays locked in place which will help with airflow adjustment. The chamber stays on two orings and o rings are a bit loose but I belive they will be better, not too loose here anyway. On the chamber you can see 4 slots for airflow and here you can use only bottom airflow slot and by spinning the top cap you will open one hole from each side, when airflow is fully opened you will have 16 holes on each side. As you can see we have here honeycomb airflow and I really like the airflow here. I like airflow options and I really like how smooth airflow is on this atomizer. Also airflow adjsutment is really easy and everyone will find good airflow.


    On the base you can see 4 posts for coil leads. In the package you will receive coils and cotton that you can use here. Building and wicking here is really simple and you will have no problems here. All you need to do is to put the coil leads in and clip them easily, on the picture you can see how I placed my coils here. In the package you will also receive the bf pin so you can use this atomizer with squonk mods which is very good.


    Moje misljenje:

    Dakle kvalitet izrade atomizera je jako dobar, jedino sto su malo o rigovi labavi ali mislim da ce to popraviti. Ovde imate 810 drip tip pa mozete da koristite svoje drip tipove sto je odlicno. Na ovom atomizeru imamo jako lep protok vazduha, imamo dosta kombinacija i vazduh se podesava veoma lako. Vazduh mozete da podesite od veoma restriktivnog do veoma otvorenog, ja licno volim da otvorim po 8 rupica sa svake strane. Vazduh na ovom atomizeru je veoma mekan jer imamo honeycomb protok vazduha. Takodje jako je dobro sto je komora zakljucana pa se vazduh podesi veoma lako. Postavljanje grejaca i vate je veoma jednostavno, a na slici mozete da vidite kako sam ja postavio grejace i vatu. U pakovanju se dobijaju grejaci i vata sto je odlicno ukoliko nemate vase. Aroma je po meni jako dobra, pogotovo kada je vaduh podesen onako kako ja volim, po 8 rupica sa svake strane. Drop 1.5 po meni jedan od boljih dripera, a najvise zbog veoma dobrog protoka vazduha i jednostavnosti koriscenja ovog atomizera.

    My thoughts:

    So build quality here is really good, atomizer is very well made and you can't complain about build quality. O rings are a bit loose and this is only con in my opinion. On this atomizer you can use your 810 drip tips if you don't like this one which is good. Airlfow on this atomizer is really good, we have many airflow options, you can really easy adjust the airflow and you can adjust it from restrictive to very open which is good. Personally i like to use 8 airflow holes on each side. We have honeycomb airflow here which is good because airflow is very smooth. Building and wicking here is simple and I belive you will have no problems, on the picture you can see how I placed coils and cotton here. Flavor is really good, in my opinion way better with 8 holes on each side. Drop 1.5 in my opinion is one of better drippers, mostly because of good flavor, perfect airflow and simplicity of using.


    - A bit loose o rings


    - Good build quality
    - Coils and cotton in the package
    - Easy to adjust airflow
    - Very smooth airflow
    - Many airflow options
    - Easy to build and wick
    - Good flavor
    - Bf pin

    You can buy it here: Drop 1.5

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