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Delivery times for juice from the States...

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by Jeff, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. Jeff

    Jeff New Member

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    I didnt know exactly where to post this so Mods feel free to shift if required...

    Hi Everybody,

    I ordered some stuff from Myfreedomsmokes in the states about 10 days ago and it hasnt arrived yet... What sort of lead time should I expect for this stuff? My MBV stuff comes inside a week, so I am getting worried that it may have been stopped at the boarder and I am just about out of juice and I will only be home for the weekend and then back out bush so I will be forced to by smokes if it doesnt come by then... Plus I have had like a dozen doublers turn up and I wont have anything to double them with... Yes ranting I know...

    So any help would be good...
  2. scroobieha

    scroobieha New Member

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    Have they given you a tracking number and what postage option did you choose.

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