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Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by bart202, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. bart202

    bart202 New Member

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    Hi All,
    Well iv'e ordered my kit and it should arrive tomorrow. Now i been reading up alot on juices and mixing but i hear so many different ways to mix and i really really need some help to start me off. Could anybody please tell me in laymans terms for a beginner like me where to start? Which is the best place overseas to buy nicotine juice? Should i get it in 36mg? I heard RTS Vapes is a good place? Should i get it mixed with PG? Which places for flavoured juice here in OZ? What other accessories will i need to start mixing? Is it safe to handle the nic juice without gloves at low levels? Will i need to add VG or should i have it already premixed in the nic juice or flavoured juice? Is 18mg a good start for a 15 a day smoker? Also are the food flavourings from the supermarket ok to use for mixing? I have a couple here but i guess they arent. Sorry for the so many questions but i would like to make sure im getting it right. Thanks guys
  2. amvhdnrwwclim

    amvhdnrwwclim New Member

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    Get some pre-mixed nic juice first so that you can relax a bit and then start vaping whilst learning about mixing.

    It is not hard but take it in steps and relax be.comse it works.

  3. herb7nation

    herb7nation New Member

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    Thanks Raven That is a good call. Im not too fond of buying from China. In your opinion which are some good places overseas? I have had a few mentioned to me by others on here. Just would like to find a reliable and good priced place.
  4. tlehwqvlyzzx

    tlehwqvlyzzx New Member

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  5. green eyed popsicle

    green eyed popsicle New Member

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    nightrider- There's many ways to mix but going with what you're already considering, I'd sudgest getting 36mg no flavour nic in 100% PG. RTS will take longer to get to you than hearlth cabin would.
    Get Flavours from.comst vendors. Easyest is to get doublers with 60% PG 40% vg. Mix 50/50 with your 36mg nic and you'll end up with 18mg with 20%vg.
    You'll need 5ml syringes, blunt 18gage needles and bottles. You won't need gloves to handle 36mg nic, but have tissues or paper towels and if you spill some on your hands, wipe it off, then wash your hands. good luck.
  6. jmr2469

    jmr2469 New Member

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    Thanks for the site. I checked them out they look good but why do a few of these vendors don't do paypal?
  7. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Thanks thommo. How long will RTS take to ship here? Is there any other place in the states that deliver quicker by any chance from your experience? Thanks again!!
  8. Yaya

    Yaya New Member

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    Just buy some nic juice from Health Cabin to get started but order the other stuff that has been mentioned. You need to find what you need to keep your satisfaction levels in tow.

    I needed some 36mg to get me off fags but everyone is different. I have dropped since then, but don't worry too much. Start high and then drop, don't trouble too much in all the details yet as you have plenty of time to play around.

    This vaping thing is pretty elastic so the thing is to just start and do not worry. It works, so do not stress about it.

  9. mankapurumielza

    mankapurumielza New Member

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    A little stressed..i spent two whole days online researching! So much to read! ok if i do get from health cabin which ones do i get the dekang or health cabin juices?
  10. Bubbubjin

    Bubbubjin New Member

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    i know its a pain in the ass, i have to give my gal cash and ask her to buy with her plastic... i hate plastic !!!
  11. thx

    thx New Member

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    I like Dekang but others may differ. I like Chinese stuff but some others seem to like USA stuff. It is funny how tastes differ.

    Get some DK Tab, & wenstern if you like tobacco. But just start and take it from there. You will find your niche eventually, I found mine but I like the Chinese method.

  12. heneke

    heneke New Member

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    i hate plastic too im old skool and prefer real paper bills! You cant smell plastic but real money you can :)
  13. toicleve

    toicleve New Member

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    My last RTS vapes order took 3 weeks to get to Tasmania. Healthcabin takes a week.
  14. invisible

    invisible New Member

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    get the dekang, i have had some awful red stuff from HC almost unvapeable.
  15. xada

    xada New Member

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    I smoked 50 12mg smokes a day, i now vape 24 mg pink spot honey cured tobacco juice and a nic free strawberry. there is a gal here that vapes nic free juice but uses patches to get her nic hit. Maybe you could try that till you get your nic juice from over seas if you want to kick the fags sooner than later.

    There's no set rules to vaping its a personal thing so do what suits you and don't be afraid to mix it up :)
  16. Shinkack

    Shinkack New Member

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    Thanks margy. Are you happy with dekang juices?
    Stoney i will if they are quicker. I would like to find a reputable source from somewhere besides china that accept PAYPAL and have a reliable delivery time..am i asking for too much?
  17. umbraincognito

    umbraincognito New Member

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    China is better than anyone else, don't fall for that we are better shit.

  18. JavTopOrg

    JavTopOrg New Member

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    Sorry Nightrider i havent tried dekang. From healthcabin I get Marlboro USA mix and I also like their RY4--they are tobacco flavours
    I buy a lot of stuff from healthcabin and have been happy with their service and products.
  19. denisa

    denisa New Member

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    Wow ok well i might get my first batch from there then. Thanks Raven and Margy for your input.
  20. Boomer Wisdom

    Boomer Wisdom New Member

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    Try Healthcabin for flavor concentrates, they have around 200 or more to choose from. But you will also need 36mg nic in PG base, extra PG & VG.
    Then you add between 10-20% flavor concentrate to 50% nic base add 20% VG & top off with PG.
    It is that simple, that will give you 18mg strength flavored juice of your choice. The good thing about concentrates is, if you think the flavor is too weak or too strong, you can adjust it by adding more flavor or more nic/pg/vg. If it is too weak in flavor add more drops a few at a time until it tastes right. If it is too strong in flavor mix up 50% nic base with 20% VG 30% vg fior the same strength of 18mg & add a bit at a time until it tastes right.
    Or you can be lazy like me & just tip 50% nic base in, then tip in some flavor without measuring then add aprox 20% - 30% vg then add pg to top it off & add more flavor if it is needed after a test vape but I don't recommend that until you have done it enough to be confident of the approximate levels you need.

    I have a good collection of flavor concentrates so I can mix flavors & experiment :D This has led to me finding some brews which I really love & some which were really bad but I always make 5ml experimental batches first, so if its bad it's just 1 tankful of juice wasted, still cheap enough to give to the sink to vape on ;)

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