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Concentrated E-Liquid flavor suppliers

Discussion in 'Vape Talk' started by Blusysteate, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. Blusysteate

    Blusysteate New Member

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    Hey everyone,

    Looking for a vendor that sells concentrated e-liquid flavors for a good price whether international or local. Got some premium flavors coming from JuiceWhore but was looking for other suppliers for something a bit cheaper. Have Perfumers Apprentice in mind but seeing if theres any others I should take note of.
  2. hall10

    hall10 New Member

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    The cheapest way is to mix your own. Just get some unflavoured nic juice and add add 10% flavour usually, depending on the flavour, I got a few direct from perfumers apprentice, flavourart flavours are suppose to be good too. Ecigs sa sells these flavours but are slightly more expensive but not much, But shipping is less. If your just gonna start with a few bottles id go to ecigs sa maybe spend 20 or so bucks on some flavours. Id go the little bottles just to see what u like most. 3ml of flavour will be good to mix up 30ml of eliquid. Im pretty sure. Most people making e liquid use flavours from these brands, but some may mix within these flavours to make different flavours. Ive had some good results, mixing my own in many cases better than some i have purchased from a premium dealer, paying 18 dollars for 30ml for a premium eliquid is a bit too much when u can mix up your own for about 3 or 4 dollars. If you buy up in bulk i reckon you could get your price down to 2-3 dollars for 30ml.
    LorAnn flavorings are suppose to be ok as well, you can get these on ebay.
  3. Cyberpunk

    Cyberpunk New Member

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    ecf have a large diy section with relative strengths of each flavour from each maker, as well as a rating on generally how good they are. On top of that there are plenty of recipes. Ive got a heap of TPA flavours coming from an ecf classifieds sale, might be worth camping the ecf classifieds for a similar sale, can be a cheap way to get your first big batch. Doublers and premixed seems an easier path, and it may be that I just use the flavours to adjust premixed that I sort of like.

  4. Maxwell Murder

    Maxwell Murder New Member

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    I find my base flavour percentage is closer to 35% when DIYing
  5. Zectovatoft

    Zectovatoft New Member

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    Jesus, 35%. I find 10% strong sometimes. Well just shows how people tastes vary. Be interested to try some liquid with that much flavour. Might give it a go one day.
  6. stiloso

    stiloso New Member

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    I know how to mix them fine I am just trying to find the best vendor to buy the concentrate from.
  7. leonzz2885

    leonzz2885 New Member

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  8. Abigail

    Abigail New Member

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    Where do you get your flavour concentrates from?

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