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Butyline Glycol

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by itamync, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. itamync

    itamync New Member

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    Sounds a lot like Propylene Glycol. Anyone know anything about it, and whether it is vapable?
  2. Infonee

    Infonee New Member

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  3. NolaByrne

    NolaByrne New Member

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    Not all glycols are the same, stick to PG & VG, USP/BP grade for minimal worries. PEG400 is sometimes used in juice but most members(perhaps all?) here that have tried juice with PEG400 in it did not like it at all.
    I know PEG400 is not Butyline Glycol but like the saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
  4. episthmh

    episthmh New Member

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    Ethylene glycol sounds a lot like propylene glycol as well :(

    Mrsg are you having issues with PG/VG or just looking for alternatives?

    I will stick to PG, I like that I can tell my family that it has the same stuff they use in their asthma inhalers :) I think I read that somewhere.
  5. sininju

    sininju New Member

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    No issues KBM.. just saw it listed as a humectant on the newdirections website and read the description. It's about 10 times the cost of PG, but was interested in whether it had a lower health impact than PG.. since PG is an issue for some people. Anyway, I'm not going to try it. In fact, both PG and BG seem to be demonized quite well by people in the cosmetics field. Read a lot this morning which claims "we'd never put that shit in stuff you put on your face" blogs, etc. I am always interested in new things, but vaping has probably already got past the stage where we are going to find new basic things to play with, like vapour creating carrier liquids.
  6. vanpersie

    vanpersie New Member

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    Yeah, I understand that. I came across a fair few posts like that on cosmetic and health forums myself when I was researching PG.

    And I think you are right re there won't be much new on the horizon for vaping. But I comfort myself with knowing that no matter what, it is still better than smokes.

    The thing I would really like to see some advances in is flavouring. I'm not entirely convinced that vaping flavouring is doing anyone any favours, but time will tell. Maybe someone is working on a healthier for vaping alternative that tastes/smells as good as the flavourings we use now. Can only hope.
  7. router

    router New Member

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    For me the telling facts are that Propylene Glycol has been extensively tested as an inhalant, to the best of my knowledge butylene hasnt ( yes it has two e's lol )
    That and the fact butyl indicates rubber to me lol , and it is indeed a precurser used in rubber manufacture :) . ( but thats an aside lol propylene is used for nasty stuff too )

    This is a good read :) It indicates BG is the worst of a good bunch :)
    Interesting sidenote Gruffs ... GHB is mentioned in its metabolic conversion ... is this the main reason for swapping from PG lol

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