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Advice noon mixer vapeking tobacco concentrates advice

Discussion in 'Vape DIY Juice / Recipes / Mixing' started by allstarsamelo, Dec 4, 2015.

  1. allstarsamelo

    allstarsamelo New Member

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    So I only just started mixing and I got 3 concentrates from one place and they are really strong a seems fine. However I got 3x vapeking tobacco flavors and mixed them and let it steep for about 4-5 days and the flavor is good but increbily weak.

    Mix rate was about 20% flavor rest VG

    I know VG doesn't carry the flavor as well but surely you can still make a high VG mix for these.
    I'm wondering if it just really needs a long steep or if these flavours are no good for high VG or what.
    Its really disappointing and making me less enthusiastic about mixing.
    Sorry about spelling sent from my phone.
  2. Jessica L

    Jessica L New Member

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    Are you sure the stuff you got from VK were concentrates and not doublers or triplers ?
  3. Reetjike

    Reetjike New Member

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    Agree with Remi,
    General strength on tobacco on it's own is appx 5%. I've used it in recipes at 10% but that was only when it was combined with another flavour at the same ratio to dull the strength down a bit.

    There again I've never used 80% VG so perhaps someone else who does so regularly can give some insight here.
  4. edibiavob

    edibiavob New Member

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    I buy juices from Vape King and always get the strongest they offer (for greater choice when mixing). So far the strongest I've seen are Tripler (and Doubler). At 33.33% mix in (at most) 20% VG (remainder PG), I've so far got good strength of flavor from Emerald Shot, Cafe Arabica and Cola flavors.

    At such a high % VG you seem to be going for OTOH, I'd be tempted to take the (tripler) flavor to 40% of the total mix. YMMV.
  5. katie.

    katie. New Member

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    Tobacco i-Mix Concentrates (10ml)
    Definitely not a tripler.

    I tried again the other day mixing at a stronger amount probably 20% I think before was probably more like 15% :p
    I can taste the flavor now and it's not bad, still though seems a little weak.

    Maybe I just need to let it steep for a good 10 days?

    Maybe it seems weaker be.comse I have not had a chance to mix some nic into it yet.

    the web site recommends using 15%-25% I think
  6. secrethq1

    secrethq1 New Member

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    from memory with tobacco imixes i used 10=15%. id say it is the lack of steeping rendering the liquid flavourless. be patient :)

    in future skip vk for concentrates, head straight to juicefactory and hit up their alcohol based super concentrates. $5 per 10ml mix ratio of 2.5% = 400mls ejuice for $5. and its equal if not better quality than vk. vk are a great vendor they just dont do the best deals on concentrates.
  7. KaTx

    KaTx New Member

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    Yeah i know what you mean other flavours I got where strong. But do they sell any decent tobacco flavors or non food or drink flavors.
  8. qcarrollwashingtont

    qcarrollwashingtont New Member

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    I think its just the B&H flavor the other flavors are ok not very strong but at least there B&H just taste like stale bread so maybe thats why it seemed so weak

    Thabks for the advice on juicefactory they look good ill give them a go. Any recommendations?
  9. melia

    melia New Member

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    regarding vapeking, when i first started vaping i used their doublers b&g, stuyvo and royal blend. they were really good and are definitely still available. i just vape tobacco vapes i mess around with mixing other flavours but never intend to vape them full time. just boring old tobacco for me :)

    with juice factory if you are new to working with concentrates then the alcohol based super concentrates are most user friendly. The mix is a definite 2.5% every time. So for $5 you get 400ml juice! for their tobaccos I recommend the dunhill, b&h, blended tobacco, ry4, parliament is alright too. You can always add other flavours to them to make them a little bit unique. After 430pm tomorrow juice factory are having a 20% off sale be.comse theyre relocating :)
  10. bimm

    bimm New Member

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    The Juice Factory has a great range of tobacco flavors and not just in the super concentrates. My ADV is TPA / TFA RY4 Double Concentrate @ 5 to 8 percent depending how I feel at the time when I mix. I am also trying TPA / TFA RY4 Asian Concentrate which I think I have added a touch of caramel. I find a lot of the other RY4's to be smokey tasting and a bit harsh flavor wise and the other tobaccos like Black Fire, Royal Blend and Honey Nut Tobacco enjoyable to start with but are to rich/sweet for me as a ADV.
    I have also tried a new RY4 doubler recently which I am enjoying from Steam-e-cigs.

  11. VanceNort

    VanceNort New Member

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    Appreciate this thread as I have just had a similar order turn up for me from VK.

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