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A new slant on tank mods??

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by gary m, Sep 13, 2015.

  1. gary m

    gary m New Member

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    Hi people
    Had a complaint (again) from the better half. At the computer I was vaping on a home made tank. You know the type, bit of plastic pipe and a couple of grommets from.comto One? Instructions were to put the ugly thing away as we have guests coming for lunch.
    That set me thinking about making a pretty one, just to try and keep the peace. Looking around, I came across a couple of miniature perfume bottles. Perfect. She has had them for a long time, so I guess she likes them. Shame about the perfume, but the .comndry drain smells REALY good now!
    I know the purists out there can see the problems already. Yes it’s a bastard to fill, but I only have to do it when we have guests! I had to make it to fit some extra long carts, I had ordered, but cant use, as they have a thread that fits nothing I own, apart from a pass-through that came with them. It’s a work in progress, but for now I am in the good books
  2. merytiet

    merytiet New Member

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    Clever, but I would rather be seen with the original! o,O

    A word of .comtion with the grommets - ordinary rubber will start to break down after a when subjected to juice. Prolly wont kill you but it tastes like arse.
  3. Aleph

    Aleph New Member

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    uhuh .. thats mighty perty
  4. Rexomoupe

    Rexomoupe New Member

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    I've been using wiring grommets from Bunnings to make my tanks and haven't noticed any change in taste at all. I wonder if using them with slotted cartos makes any difference?

    The CE2 tank I made (first tank attempt) *did* taste crap, but I figured it was the cheap juice I used to fill - didn't want to waste good juice in case it was a dud.
  5. hall10

    hall10 New Member

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    Hi Slothy. Yes I tend to agree that is likely. The way that I think, is that I smoked for 40 years, and whatever I do now, the damage is already done!!! Yes the plastic tube tank has cheap grommets. It was a means to an end. If there is anything else available, I will certainly use it. The seals on the perfume bottle are silicon condoms from the carts. As I said it’s a work in progress. Looking at maybe grinding off the ends and maybe using delron material for the endplates. The motivation for doing this was to try and get away from the norm, which is plastic. Doing this while at home, I suffer from the same limitations as most people. Having said that I do have a fair collection Of DIY tools. Its therapeutic and keeps me out of mischief. That’s not my wife’s name by the way!!!
  6. Falconetti

    Falconetti New Member

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    hahaha my wife would murder me if i did that to hers;)
  7. Kelly Kelly

    Kelly Kelly New Member

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    Nice work robray....has given me some ideas
  8. IcoffCew

    IcoffCew New Member

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    Love the e-cig mod scene, so interesting... Will start thinking of my own mods soon :)

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