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5V Touch Switch Mod ??? Unsuccessful this time :(

Discussion in 'Vape Mod Talk' started by flyeaglesfly, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. flyeaglesfly

    flyeaglesfly Guest

    Experimented with using an NE555 chip as a touch switch. Started with this schematic:


    Removed the LED from pin 3 and used this output to operate the control pin on the 4-pin MV 3A VR. By substituting components, I got it working great on a breadboard. I wish I had drawn schems as I went :( Somehow I screwed up when moving components to a PCB, cause now it's firing ALL THE TIME, darn!

    I know the VR takes a neg signal to trigger it, somehow I was able to use pin 3's low state to trigger the VR control pin. Man, wish I could remember how I did that :)

    Back to my breadboard today. I will solve this problem (some day). I already have my 3AA clear box all drilled and rewired and have a pair of brass rivits mounted as touch points, so it's too late to turn back now ...

    View of front of mod. You can see the my mini-leds on a pcb (bottom right). Also see brass contacts .. 1 to ground, 1 to pin 3

    Already started stripping components from board
    By asnider123 at 2011-03-27
  2. Where do find places that sell Mega ohm resistors? Those are hard to find in the US and cost quite a lot for something usually cheap. I know a touch sensor requires resistors somewhere in the 25-50M ohm area. Radio shack has the 10ohm ones but I would prefer using just one and not five. I have a touch sensor kit also, the required 5 resistors but would like to use just a single one. If you know of any places in the US with decent prices and don't have to buy a minimum of 100, please let me know.

    Aloha, Keith
  3. ckm

    ckm Guest

    Keith, if you dont mind waiting for the slow boat, you can get them for 1.8 cents apiece from

    NEW 100 X Resistors 10M Ohms 1/4W 1% Carbon Film Free - eBay (item 220582731079 end time Apr-26-11 20:05:38 PDT)

    Or order your choice of 100 resistors (any value) 1/4 watt for 3 bucks

    Or 100 your choice 1 watt for 3 bucks

    I just cant decide :D

    Think I will order, in no rush :)
  4. sisterivy

    sisterivy Guest

    Keep it up man, I have no doubt that you will nail this one soon
  5. fliaway_

    fliaway_ Guest

    Yabetcha, might take a bit, want to order a resistor assortment, thanks fella :)
  6. Ubr

    Ubr Guest

    Asnider, I need a single 50mega ohm resistor or at the very minimum, 2 25mega ohm ones. The 10mega ohms ones can be used but I would prefer not to use 5 resistors. If you can find any 25mega or 50mega ohms resistors, please let me know.

    Aloha, Keith
  7. Is there a reason why you took this rather complicated approach.

    Using a mosfet seems a bit easier.

    This design, from a decade ago works well for firing a regulator.


    For our use we just need a more appropriate N-mosfet. The main concern being Gate Threshold Voltage should be ≤2V (the Max value) and of course the correct current/voltage requirements.

    For resistor values R2 (4.7M) tends to control the sensitivity, in this case if it's not firing you can up it. This is usually a dry hands issue. A readily available from RS 10MΩ should work for most folks, if that still isn't hitting consistently you could try dropping R1 from 47k to 22k (which is what I would actually start with), or even 10k also available from RS.

    So simple (and cheap) to breadboard and try.

    Some mosfets.

    Digi-Key - IRLZ34NLPBF-ND (Manufacturer - IRLZ34NLPBF)

    MOSFET N-CH 60V 14A DPAK - IRLR024

    Power MOSFET - Power MOSFET Transistor - CSD16325Q5C - TI.com

    This one is strictly 1V, should work fine even with a single 3.7V battery mod. Real low "RDS(on) max 0.0118Ω". Kinda small though.

    STD40N2LH5 STMicroelectronics MOSFET Power

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