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510-eGo adapters

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by jeffrey, Nov 10, 2015.

  1. jeffrey

    jeffrey New Member

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    EDIT: There are several types of these, I have had ones that do not adjust. The one I ground down .. it turns out is adjustable.
    I don't mind learning something so leaving thread as is though I look like a goose, lol.

    I have seen many a time people saying to 'adjust the screw in the centre to adjust'.

    I purchased another 3 this week and noticed it was even on the vendor page for the item description.
    I have known for a long time that this is WRONG, that thing in the centre is not a screw, it has a slot for airfliw for attys with no side holes. It has NO THREAD .. you can turn it till the cows come home ..

    what does work consistently as I reckon there s a design .comlt with these .. is a 2 second job if you have a bench grinder, probably a few minutes if you have a file and maybe an hour if you have sandpaper.

    I had to buy new ones just to photograph this as I have done it to all of my adapters and wanted a new one to see f anything had changed. It hadn't .. has to mod a new one to get it to work, ths was on the hex with an adjustable top pin and an ego C atty. If it will not work on them, it won't work on most devices .. the provari abiut 1 in 3 work out the box as the centre pin pushes up quite high compared to many devices.

    you need to grind the top skirt down, basically I use the slots up there as the depth guide and grind until they are gone. After that .. these adapters work great. That skirt stops many attys screwing in enough, may work with some but for eg the ego C attys have a very flush, almost recessed centre conductor, you will not get one to work on one of these adapters wothout a lot if of luck .. or a grinder, here us a photo of unmodded and modded, side by side.


    note: removing the slots does not seem to change airflow one iota. they coud be added back in easily enough if it did.
  2. walking lady RIP Tom

    walking lady RIP Tom New Member

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    had to do that with all the ones i got when i started :)
  3. Tattoosformyvalentine.

    Tattoosformyvalentine. New Member

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    Some do have a screw. I have had both types.
  4. Chloe H

    Chloe H New Member

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    you pull that centre out and photograph it .. I will believe you, until then I call shenanigans.

    even if it screwed .. will that change its length ? not likely .. it would move up or down which it does since the pin moves in the silicon anyway.
  5. 2pac

    2pac New Member

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    2 different types. So put your shenanigans where it belongs.
  6. aleza

    aleza New Member

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    nice, where do you get the adjustable ones ?
    they seem to be rarer than unicorn shit.
  7. tomdoo

    tomdoo New Member

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    The pic is from Healthcabin. as the watermark says. But i just got it off google images and they do not have that pic on their site anymore in the adapters section. So I dont know if they still have them.
  8. ErwinRai

    ErwinRai New Member

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    the first one from healthcabin is the ones i have .. they are NOT adjustable.
  9. mikanau8z

    mikanau8z New Member

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    holy crap .. it is adjustable.
    i have pulled these apart before and it is a one piece centre with no thread .

    sorry man..
  10. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    edited first post .. we all learn hey ;)
  11. floured

    floured New Member

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    Yeah i had one and pulled it appart and fucked it. Then i realised it was adjustable (monga). But I had to get another one. That wasnt adjustable but lukily it worked for me.

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