I avoid vaping in any restaurant or public buildings as other people may be uncomfortable with it, it's a place to eat not a place to vape.
I think I'll try to distance myself from Tobacco flavoured from now on. I really don't know what got me in to the taste, maybe it's just the...
Technically it's still the same addiction. People aren't addicted to tobacco, they're addicted to the nicotine in tobacco.
Lets not pretend that vaping is the most safest thing around for both adults and children. Sure, you could say that it's safer than cigarettes and...
My list of 10 favourite juices is: 1. Milk and Honey 2. Apple butter 3. Tobacco flavoured 4. Pink lemonade 5. Cola gummy 6. Snake bite 7. Nuts 8....
You also need to consider teenagers when starting this debate as well. More teenagers nowadays are starting to vape instead of starting to smoke....
That's probably the reason ye. I'm the exact same as you, although sometimes I'm puffing away on it and I don't even know it, which is kind of a...
No way to enforce this and therefore it's a pretty bogus law. There'll always be under the counter dealers who already sell illegal forms of...
Imo it's a necessity for most places. A person may not want to move to an entirely different forum and set up an account just to chat about things...
Vaping is a lot cheaper than Marijuana. A few cartons will last you a couple of days compared to a few balls of weed which may only last you a...
I'd say I smoked more than I vape.. and I don't know why. Vaping just seems to last a lot longer for me and therefore I use it less than I would...
I started as a smoker but nowadays a lot of teens are starting to vape without having smoked before. It's a growing trend that these teens tend to...
I've seen way too many bad things happen with cheap e cig batteries (usually made in China). One of those cases was when a guy put his pen in to...
Agree with the gradual steps. It'll definitely be hard but you have to believe in yourself and stay committed. If you get any urges make sure to...
May be health for yourself or for loved ones, but it usually is health. Vaping does taste better than most cigarettes though, and a little carton...
I wouldn't vape or smoke in hospitals, other peoples houses or public transport. I would vape but not smoke in a car with kids (if they are in my...
Nah, I was the one who got other people started on E cigarettes. Many people have thanked me for it, but I'd rather not see my own friends make...
Depends what happens with the UK and whether or not it will be the first country to leave the EU. If the UK does leave then I believe some other...
I first found out about vaping through a streamer. He was using this device which had a sh** tonne of smoke coming out of it. At first I thought...
I know this is a vape-related forum, but I'd honestly like to see a General topics section where people can just chill and talk about recent...