Product Quantity Price JoyeTech eGrip 20W Kit (#EGRIP-SL) Color: SILVER 1 $ 60.99 JoyeTech eGrip Replacement Coils (#EGRIP-COIL-15) Resistance:...
[ATTACH] Picture of BCC head
KFL+ from cloud9 and a DNA20 pipe from Freight train mod. Sent from my GT-I9300T using Tapatalk
Just ordered a Vamo v2, my first VV/VP Mod from Vape King. Very excited to see how it works compared to the eGo Twist i am currently using!
Baaaahahahahaaa Jumpring and Headpin, you came in first! Here have a gnome with a hotel stay. Aww crap. That's just great. They won another...
Ah, pretty but high maintenance :) Must learn more before I keep adding to the 'I want' list.
Me neither, but thanks to Phirex, the I could suggest the second use would be while one pace behind him...
Sorry Rylee I am shitehouse with maths GT and CCC seem good at this stuff
i know a few diffrent sites here sold out on these i taste mvp mods in black and blue .. just the other day...