well when you put it in the USC, it will heat up.comtomatically. I set the temp at 50 degrees but an hour later the temp is up to 90 degrees.The...
I found that HC nic always had a good TH.
That looks like it would keep you going for a good while lol
:) I thought your explaination was really good oogy :) it made sense to me ;) narh I wont ever be selling my mixes but will prob swap for someone...
G'day all been vaping on 9 weeks now, great forum here lots of info thanks guys.
apparently not the case on this one.. they probably thought having 2 airholes is like having 1 huge hole and might make the draw a bit airy,...
Just realized how blurry the pic is of the bear :confusion: so have included another 'informal' pic lol. [IMG] Opening Vapemail in the car...