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New Zealand to Brisbane holiday - nicotine question

Discussion in 'Vape Talk' started by daotien, Oct 21, 2015.

  1. daotien

    daotien New Member

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    Hey lads,

    My partner and I have had a bit of bad luck recently. We had planned a trip to Rarotonga about 6 months back when we found out my partner was going to have a baby. We have now been recieving warnings heree in nz about the zika virus that has been found active in Samoa and is suspected to be in the Cook Islands. This has caused us to cancel our holiday (to which we are considering going to Mooloolaba. I was planning on bringing a 100ml 2mg eliquid bottle with me to vape while on holiday. Now from looking into Queensland ecig laws it's states I can't bring any Nic juice into Queensland etc.

    I don't think I could get away with dropping to 0 mg and I really don't want to go back to Ciggys from being 2 years smoke free. Are there any work arounds to this e.g importing some Nic juice to Queensland just to use while I'm there or is this potentially gonna get me fined etc ?

    any feedback would be great as we are most likely coming over next week.
  2. VikKing707

    VikKing707 New Member

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    Just don't tell anyone

    AFAIK - Customs enforce federal law, not state law, so you could bring something into the country that is not prohibited at a federal level, (Nic and all the poison schedules are state based law.) and be on the wrong side of the law at your point of arrival. Customs couldn't care less.

    Bring your juice, they are not looking for that at arrivals. Just dont vape on the plane or until you are standing outside the airport.

    put it in an unlabelled bottle in your toiletries case if you are really worried.
  3. wdpmihw8y

    wdpmihw8y New Member

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    I wouldn't be concerned. If your really concerned take a light coloured juice in a bottle of hand cleaner. They look the same lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. missmojo78

    missmojo78 New Member

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    Or if you are really paranoid, go buy some cheap bottles of aromatic oils and wash out the bottles and replace with your juice.
    You probably won't have any problems anyway but this would be the tinfoil hat brigade solution:wink:
  5. Moonlights

    Moonlights New Member

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    I've travelled loads in qld with ecigs, the airport security don't even bat an eyelid when you put it in the tray to be xrayed.
  6. Doviemo

    Doviemo New Member

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    Sunsilk bottles...just wash em out well first...just sayin
  7. pjou

    pjou New Member

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    Chuck the nic as is in your toiletries, carry your vape on you....

    Don't fog up the plane toilet though, they'll ream your ass with a pineapple.
  8. bevasusasda4370

    bevasusasda4370 New Member

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    I would almost go the other way and not hide it.

    If asked (i doubt you will be) talk to them about it.... tell them you've been of the smokes for a while and its to help you.

    Putting it in a bottle marked as something else makes you look bad, like you feel guilty about doing something.

    Just my 2 cents.
  9. Angaydraj

    Angaydraj New Member

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    I carried my vape gear onto the plane in my bag. Didn't even have to take it out of my backpack.

    Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
  10. MediaShare

    MediaShare New Member

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    Thanks for the replys guys.

    I think I'll take 2x 50 Mls on my carry on instead of the 1 x 100ml.

    Is it better to use ejuice bottles with stickers or without do you reckon?

    I'll put my ecig in ziplocks with the batteries and tank seperate in the carry on also.

    I won't vape in the plane or in the airport, I only tend to only vape in my own home, otherwise I stick to vaping in typical smoking areas.
  11. 60 Million Voted Me

    60 Million Voted Me New Member

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    I never carried my juice bottles in my hand luggage, seems like tempting fate carrying a regulated poison on board with me like that.

    Always used plain bottles as well, though I DIY so that's how all my juice comes.
  12. garfield78

    garfield78 New Member

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    I had the check in people tell me it was better to leave it in carry on... but i didnt have any significant volumes. Maybe ask when you go to check in your luggage or call ahead and ask. Id put each bottle in plastic ziplock bags, individually too. Just for safe keeping.

    Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
  13. rudiratlos65

    rudiratlos65 New Member

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    We have the option to go to Melbourne. Would this be a better option for bringing my juice etc?
  14. Usardjab

    Usardjab New Member

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