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Where are the girly ecigs?

Discussion in 'Vape Talk' started by Cuctige, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. Lisa D

    Lisa D New Member

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    I have a black kanger Mt3S That I bought locally, Its basically the same as a T3S just with a metal jacket, It vapes nice and I use it on my e-pipe with a 1.5 ohm kanger protank coil. The first one you posted looks a lot like the one I ordered, but the one I ordered looks like its wider on the top. But I can see the air-hole, so if I can see em I can drill them. :) If need be.
  2. Richard

    Richard New Member

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    I always found the kanger clearos' draw was too airy for me. the fasttech evod knock offs do have a much tighter draw, which is why I like them.
  3. ArdomioRR

    ArdomioRR New Member

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    Can be a great present!
  4. worlebird

    worlebird New Member

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  5. bobbyima

    bobbyima New Member

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    Those are cool even for guys :)
  6. mr_machine

    mr_machine New Member

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    Absolutely!! xo
  7. Dreoughom

    Dreoughom New Member

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    Teeny weeny bamboo shoot LOL
  8. Rotamapy

    Rotamapy New Member

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    So cute. I like that green it will go with my new tank. Lol
  9. Duc

    Duc New Member

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    looks very similar to an x6. is it the same in that it has 3 voltage levels?
  10. EagedeLubgere

    EagedeLubgere New Member

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    No, it's mechanical except the button will light up white for full charge, blue for medium, and red for low. I like the indicators. It helps me. I'm forever pulling out the multimeter, so this will make at least these batteries less needful of it. I'll be interested to see just how long the AA-size batteries last, actually.

    Hey, Criss, yes, it would look mad!
  11. Lone Marlin - Airborne

    Lone Marlin - Airborne New Member

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  12. uliguedes

    uliguedes New Member

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    They are just so purrty, I really want one, but my significant other would flip out. I'm seriously running out of places to hide new purchases : ) Mind you its my birthday in a couple of weeks, so I just might leave a pic of these on the table, with a little comment about birthday pressies pinned to it.
  13. Spartan73

    Spartan73 New Member

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  14. iT8xM1hX3t

    iT8xM1hX3t New Member

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    Yeah, don't get a spinner, get a VV/VW mod LOL.
    I'm looking at a SVD, segeli or some cheap fasttech mod myself right now.
    You see, and I justify it later as your read on:
    I want an RDA, as I'm trying to cut down on nic and expenses. both those issues makes having a dripper attractive. Rather than have a clearo like a i16, EVOD, CE4 with 2ml in it which I could suck on all day until the tank is empty, having a dripper would be a toke and go.
    With a clearo and having it full with 1.5-2ml in it, it's always there and I could chain vape it for hours if I want. With a dripper, it's more like a traditional smoke, you drip into it, have your tokes, and it's all over. Put it down and go do something else, just like when a smoke is finished. Less tempting to over do the vaping with a dripper IMHO, so I'm looking at getting one.

    Now here it comes (the justification you can use with any SO): A dripper would not work well with a ego or spinner, you need something that will hold itself upright, and a dripper is way wider than a ego or spinner.
    So in order to cut down, you need a dripper and a mod. You see?
    I'll either get a igo-w and innokin svd from vape king, or something cheaper like a mech mod from FT if I don't care about VV/VW, I haven't decided yet.
  15. johnme3

    johnme3 New Member

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    Interesting, it looks like anodised aluminium. If so it would be a lot lighter than S/S vamo. It's probably the V2 rather than the V5.
  16. gasica77

    gasica77 New Member

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    Hey Spud,

    If you get a Vision or Joye battery, make sure you get a charger for them: EGO USB Charger

    I don't believe that the B.Ripper chargers are compatible.
  17. fgerjxm4n

    fgerjxm4n New Member

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    GAWD I'm turning into a bower bird lol. My immediate thought was, "the purple one would look awesome in my lounge room". :rolleyes:
  18. Biglpt

    Biglpt New Member

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    Thanks for the tip Coopz, but the cutting down nic just wont cut it as an excuse for my SO he has just switched over to vaping from smoking himself, and doesn't see the point in lowering nic, and he knows that is something that I'm not bothered with either. I don't know if I could be bothered with dripping atties either, maybe after I've sorted the basics out a bit more I'll revisit.

    I love colour, and thats what appeals with the rainbow spinners, I already have a couple of ego twists, but they are just plain black, so I add coloured clearos and evods to make them prettier. I'm also thinking of maybe painting them with some nice colours.

    I have just ordered a Vamo V2 as my b'day pressie to me, (and one for the SO), as a bit of a reward for staying off the stinkies, (its important to acknowledge your achievements to yourself), I went for the V2 as it is easier to understand for my tech challenged SO. I went for the plain SS ones, as I found that SO is hard on his vape gear, and any chrome, painted or anodised stuff, gets scratched and dented quickly. SO likes the look of the SS as well, bit more blokey than the pretty colours.

    All tech stuff is down to me in our little household, SO is very tech challenged, so I do everything from fixing the washing machine, to fixing computers, TV, solar panels, well anything you plug in, uses software, or you can't fix by hitting it with a hammer and yelling a lot :rolleyes: My SO mows lawns, catches fish, and does any car maintenance, and cooks really well.
  19. Lee

    Lee New Member

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    Thanks F4, I have quite a few different chargers now, and you are right, the ripper batteries only work with the chargers that came with the pack, with the pin, rather than the flat contact. Egos work with either as long as they are the correct voltage. I have found that there is a vast difference in the quality of the battery chargers, and its better to go for a slightly more expensive ego original, than some of the cheaper ones you can buy for a $1-2.

    I have also found the best, and safest thing for charging batteries on, is a silicon mat, (same stuff used in silicon bakeware). Its also non conductive so can be used as a base for working on computers, phones etc, where static discharge can be a problem.
  20. Precious

    Precious New Member

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    Silicone rubber is only good up to a certain temperature, but hopefully it would limit any damage to just the mat. The usual recommendation is for one of these: Lithium Polymer Charge Pack 18x22cm Sack

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