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Where are the girly ecigs?

Discussion in 'Vape Talk' started by Cuctige, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. Melanie H

    Melanie H New Member

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    I don't seem to have the refilling issues. I use ebaron drippers at home mostly, so that involves dripping regularly. As well as that I have about 15 filled clearos with various flavours that I graze on. So it's not that often I have to refill, or even recharge batteries (a couple of twists overnight usually, and maybe one other ego battery).
  2. HammuXDH

    HammuXDH New Member

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    Quite aside from the fact that my mods are dildo sized :p
    They are not dildo shaped/styled, well maybe if you're into the whole sadism thing.

    Anyway, I think most of us prefer our PVs to look streamlined, whether it's a girly mod or not. So tank size often comes down to : what tank looks best on my PV?
    At present I am using the Anyvape CVI V1, with the Smok RSST on it, it isn't the ideal match of parts but it gets the job done.
    I have a Smok Magneto coming from the VapingMad pre-order & when that gets here, the RSST will be going on that, because I think it will look & work better on it.
    On the CVI, I'll then put my VapeOnly BCC (3.5ml tank) on, which matches up very nicely, even though the diameter of the tank is smaller but due to the angled head piece of the CVI, the VOBCC looks like it was made for it.
    Besides, the VOBCC will work better on the CVI & the RSST will work better on the Magneto.

    I rarely fill my RSST above 1/2 full now & I think I will do the same with all my other genesis atomisers too.
    I am finding that there is very little burnt juice, if any, left in the tank this way. When I was filling my gennies full, there was always dregs of juice that did not taste as good as the rest of the tank, now the tank tastes clean right down to empty.
    With the VOBCC though, the tank works better completely full & needs topping up when it gets to about 1/4 full or it sometimes likes to get gurgley.

    So I guess what I am trying to say is it is quite often a case of horses for courses. ;)
  3. mumbToufago

    mumbToufago New Member

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    So what you are saying is, your thingy is often wet & your juice dripping & that it irritates you when it gets dry.

    Got it :D
  4. Hard-Rock

    Hard-Rock New Member

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    Oh Dear God Noe..... You're* just like school holidays...no class :p
  5. DrBoobies

    DrBoobies New Member

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    Class is in, it's spelt "you're".
    Now go write 100 times "your, you're, yaw, yore" on the blackboard :p
  6. leamsmede

    leamsmede New Member

    Likes Received:
    your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore Noe is the grammar police your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore your, you're, yaw, yore.

    Sod it that will do :)
  7. mozaik

    mozaik New Member

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    lol jen. yep, I do the grazing thing too, and end up with all my clearos/tanks needing filling at the same time, cos I can't be fagged filling each one as it needs it. I just move onto the next one that doesn't need filling. I've got some more large carto tanks coming, as well as 10 different coloured evods (hopefully they will be better than the other kanger gear I've had). the evods will go on top of the coloured spinners and x6's I have coming and will be my nice, girly/dainty vape.
  8. gius92

    gius92 New Member

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    Dishy, I think you scared all the girls out of the thread with your bad grammar :(

    Except KK who snuck in just b4 my post.
  9. NickTeecymearve

    NickTeecymearve New Member

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  10. onlylucky790

    onlylucky790 New Member

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    OMG something like one of those would make an awesome drip tip!
  11. Bye Bye

    Bye Bye New Member

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    hee hee, jen. I guess they'd be ok for a goth/vampire type grrl
  12. iLisePattong

    iLisePattong New Member

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  13. peapbype

    peapbype New Member

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    oh, they look lovely :D can't wait for mine to arrive. forget which colours i ordered and not gonna look it up, cos i love the surprise factor. what are the tanks you have on them?
  14. SarahBear

    SarahBear New Member

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    The blue is my new Bella tank and the purple is a cut down f16 with a lilac cherry vape drip. I am not sure i like the tanks that come with them. They are heavy and quite slidey. My other half uses f16's and cut down a couple to the med size for smaller cartos. They work really well.
  15. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    cool. f16s are dirt cheap. maybe in 2014 i will get some and cut them down. they look really good that size
  16. rulassuts

    rulassuts New Member

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    Agree. They are too big normally and the shorter ones (can't remember which ones f15, f17) you can buy don't have the clear poly. I got the idea from here and there is a thread somewhere that has all the pics and measurements. This way I can use the same cartos for all my main tanks.

    Fasttech has the 6ml ones. Haha
  17. Falkhid

    Falkhid New Member

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    not going anywhere near fasttech for at least 6 months (man, it's gonna be hard)

    here's what i will have, tho, to last me 6 months:

    2 x 510 batts
    5 x various ego batts including a twist
    3 x spinners
    2 x x6's
    1 x sid
    1 x vamo
    1 x groove
    2 x grippers
    1 x mvp (after i swap with mrg for the evic)
    1 x smoktech epipe
    7 x 18650s
    4 x 18350s

    2 x smok dct pyrex tanks
    2 x f17s
    10 x evods
    ~ 8 x stardusts
    1 x vobcc mega
    3 x vobcc mini
    3 x fasttech 6ml tanks
    3 x baby tanks from ecigmodshop
    a dozen or so comets
    2 x dripping atties
    510t atty and a few cartridges

    ummm ... i think that's about it. i reckon i should be right ... lol

    edit ... forgot the 2 vivi novas i've got coming.
  18. john.rocket

    john.rocket New Member

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    OMG KK, in your short time(4months) as a vaper, you have amassed more battery holders than I have in 2.5years LOL
  19. blank

    blank New Member

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    I know, noe :eek:. it's ridonculous!! that's why i'm not buying anything else until 2014.
  20. Brittany

    Brittany New Member

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    Beautiful, CC. I've been eyeing those X6 batteries off for a while.
    Kay, you go, girl!

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