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Need opinons on VV colored wood mods & first Bottom Feeder

本帖由 niiks2015-06-19 发布。版面名称:Vape Mod Talk

  1. niiks

    niiks New Member

    Just finished these yesterday and really need your help. Tried some new techniques on these ones and need to know what you think about them please. Things such as Love or hate the colors and prefer more natural woods or is the form to your liking , battery size preferred or anything you may like or hate about them. I would really appreciate some feedback to help me decide to continue or abandon this track. Also the 2nd one is my first Bottom feeder I have been testing it all day and seems to work great as far as I know. No leaks through 5 m/l of juice. Still trying to figure out the best sqounking techniques.(I tend to flood ocasionally). Catch cup does it's job and juice drains back into bottle without draining into PV. Since this is my first I only have 1 bottom feed capable atomizer to try on it. Because of this I think I am going to put it up for sale. To help finance more mods. But I need your input again. What do you think a fair price would be to ask for it. Remember its a VV (3.3 to 6 volts),dual 18350's,5 ml bottle,custom wood bottom feeder.

    Sorry the pictures are turned on their sides having problems with photobucket.

    Here is the first one a Dual 14500 VV wood box mod. To me the grain on it looked like waves so tried to make it look like blue ocean water. The poly coat seemed to bring out more green from the color tho.




    This one I wanted to make purple and ended up with a neon/iridescent purple It's like one of those hologram pictures that keeps changing dependent on the angle and the light you use to look at it. The camera I use can't seem to capture it correctly the closest it's come is the one where it is in my hand. maybe later on I will try to take one outside under the noon sun and see how it comes out.






    Here they are side by side Battery size determines how thick they are.


    And here is how they compare to some of the others I made.



    I am in the process of trying to find Driptips and tanks that match these colors and if successful will post followup pics.

    Thank you for looking Once again all comments and or critiques are very much appreciated.
  2. makkie88

    makkie88 New Member

    Need opinons on VV colored wood mods & first Bottom Feeder

    great work looks like your a mod builder to me...
  3. jimbo

    jimbo New Member

    Need opinons on VV colored wood mods & first Bottom Feeder

    I'm too tough on my stuff for wood mods but, look like nice builds to me.
  4. MalkaKnox

    MalkaKnox New Member

    Need opinons on VV colored wood mods & first Bottom Feeder

    They look pretty good :)

    My only thought on the bottom feeder is, you need to make the bottle have its on compartment. If it leaks then you can see what it will leak on or figure a way to shield the chip :)

    I wouldn't use the switch from MV as they wear pretty crappy and for just a few more $$ you can have a better switch.

    Other then that they look pretty awesome :D
  5. aadaasdarkay8451

    aadaasdarkay8451 New Member

    Need opinons on VV colored wood mods & first Bottom Feeder

    Some nice looking stuff there, Sonar!
  6. gdzediyzgbwl

    gdzediyzgbwl New Member

    Need opinons on VV colored wood mods & first Bottom Feeder

    I like the 2nd one, the turquoise is nice but I do like the more natural woods. When they are all lined up though they all look really pretty. Some ppl may like them painted.
  7. Sandy

    Sandy New Member

    Need opinons on VV colored wood mods & first Bottom Feeder

    I am a wood person and adore natural wood like [MENTION=5674]Calikim[/MENTION] said but I got to say, that Turquoise one did grab my eye.
  8. Pearl L

    Pearl L New Member

    Need opinons on VV colored wood mods & first Bottom Feeder

    Thanks for the great comments and feedback so far to all of you, much appreciated. First let me clear up a misunderstanding these are dyed wood with a clear polyurethane coating not painted so you can still see the grain. As for the bottom feeder I have been using it for the past 4 days with a few bottle and flavor changes so far no leaks but I can see your concern. So the next one will be designed so that the regulator is on top. About the switch on the turquoise one I went with one from digi key and if I can figure out how to shoehorn in the big back end I will try it on this one. As far as toughness I have been using some of the other ones for months now with many drops (damn my betraying hands) quite a few domino effect falls, bumps into many objects. Despite a few nicks (which i believe add character) they have stood up quite well. They are not as dainty as you might believe.

    Please keep the comments and critiques coming.
  9. Gabglina

    Gabglina New Member

    Need opinons on VV colored wood mods & first Bottom Feeder

    Ah, ladies who enjoy the wood.

  10. holden13

    holden13 New Member

    Need opinons on VV colored wood mods & first Bottom Feeder

    The lady would be whooooooooooo? :devil: However yep I love the wood esp the turquoise one.
  11. helloXkitty

    helloXkitty New Member

    Need opinons on VV colored wood mods & first Bottom Feeder

    I was referring to the purple one, the switch in that one looks awful close to the one MV sells which is a chromed plastic as opposed to a nickel or ss metal switch.

    Here is the link to the nickel switch

    Here is the link to the SS switch

    I have used both the MV one and the ones I linked to, the ones from digikey are far superior in build quality.

    You have some awesome mods here and with a few minor tweaks I dont know what more a person would want :)
  12. A-Hart !

    A-Hart ! New Member

    Need opinons on VV colored wood mods & first Bottom Feeder

    Thanks for the links some times i get lost on digi keys website trying to find stuff. Yes the one on the bottom feeder was from madvapes but I will order the ones you linked from now on look like a lot better quality switch. Thanks again for the comments.
  13. Clarence

    Clarence New Member

    Need opinons on VV colored wood mods & first Bottom Feeder

    Yes sir no problem :) that website is vast and one could spend days looking for a simple switch :)

    Also fixed the link to the SS switch :)
