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AGA-T Setup Thread

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by Chefkoch1984, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. Josh M

    Josh M New Member

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    Has anyone set them up with the silca wick provided?
  2. Zeksmils

    Zeksmils New Member

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    Finally gettin the hang of these gennies. Got it working a treat with 400 ss. 32 kanthel 3/4 wraps. 1.4ohms at 3.4v on my provari. Only thing i had to do was bend the wick a tiny bit to close the gap between the top coil and positive post. No hotspots and vapor galore. But i didnt realise the throat hit they can produce, i put in some 36mg watermelon enough throat hit to kill a large mammal :)

    Sent from my GT-I9100T using Tapatalk 2
  3. Tim S

    Tim S New Member

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    Check to see if yor air hole is lined up with your wick mate, be.comse if it isn't you will get more throat hit.
    well done though.
  4. Pamela D(midget12_

    Pamela D(midget12_ New Member

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    is this a v1 or v2 provari ?

    i have a lot of trouble with my v1, hence the upgrade process to a v2, well worth the hassle. that extra low voltage and high current is worth its weight in gold.

    I tried putting an errant coil on the hex thinking it would be easier to setup with no current limit, the coil lasted about 1/100th of a second, so the current limiting is annoying when you are trying to set it up, but it does perform a useful purpose.

    7 hours .. you have patience ;)
  5. ch33kz

    ch33kz New Member

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    @bullos yeah the air hole is lined up with the wick. But mine has the same problem that everyone else is having where the cap needs to he turned back abit to line it up with the wick

    Sent from my GT-I9100T using Tapatalk 2
  6. black cat222

    black cat222 New Member

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    I ineed have patience :D Today ive spend another 4 hours.

    It's V1 provari :(

    Im getting a hot spot between the centre post and the first coil to the wick. I've tried bending the wick and using washers. Nothing seems to be working stoney :(

    Almost to the point of giving up yet im determined to get it working.,..,,
  7. Jenna Bee

    Jenna Bee New Member

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    Should change your name to Saint neofelis :)
    How did you go with your air hole? Did you enlarge it?
  8. bradayanextay4511

    bradayanextay4511 New Member

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    It's normal to go through more juice in a genesis atty, which is why a lot of genesis users drop their nic strength I think.
  9. MiltonWang

    MiltonWang New Member

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    heh, unless its all over the desk ?

    yes, genesis are more efficient in general and run at lower temperatures when working well (wicking and coil), they easily go through twice the juice in the same amount of time.
  10. qczbbnpsdfmx

    qczbbnpsdfmx New Member

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    Now u lost me, shouldn't they use less then?

    Sent from my GT-I9300T using Tapatalk 2
  11. iwtfyaz

    iwtfyaz New Member

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    Be.comse, being more efficient means they use more juice, not less juice. When a carto is vaporising juice, the juice has to travel through a less efficient wick, meaning there is less juice available to be vaporised = less efficient.
  12. Pwcfan

    Pwcfan New Member

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    Im really enjoying these now. Took me ages to get the hang of them but now I can make coils easily and it just works!

    Really pleased :) However... I wish I had more vapor production. I think im using 32AWG kanthal? Would 28 gage give me more vapor? I am using a PG mix though however on a normal atomizer I get heaps more vapor.
  13. ckwxhmq0x

    ckwxhmq0x New Member

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    28awg would give you a lower resistance (if the same amouint of wraps are used) while also increasing heated surface area. This will give you more vapour. But, before you go out and buy some or if you do buy some and you're waiting for it to arrive, try a twisted coil.
    Simply twist 2 pieces of 32awg together. You can either do this by hand or by folding a length of wire in half, clamping the fold in a dremel or drill, hold on to the other end tightly with a pair of pliers and turn on your drill/drenel in short bursts. Don't go too far or it will start winding over itself. But, if you do it right, you will end up with a piece of uniformly twisted wire.

    Use this with the same amount of wraps/turns as the regular 32awg and you will notice double the vapour and flavour as well as an increase in battery charge life.

    What mod are you using the AGA-T on?
  14. blondeee

    blondeee New Member

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    Provari V1

    I might try the twisted coils when I get more on monday I got 500ft coming of 28,30 and 32
  15. zdlskyuwr

    zdlskyuwr New Member

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    Okay, the ProVari won't be able to deliver the power required to run a twisted coil, due to the amp limit.
    Do you have a mechanical mod you can use it on?

    If not, do a 5/4 wrap coil and crank it to 6.0 V. The ProVari V1 will take a 2.4 Ohm coil at 6 volts.

    There's only one genesis that goes on my ProVari Mini and that's the Z-Atty-Pro. Even with that, I only use twisted 34awg coils. I've found that to be the best combination for it. I've tried twisted 32, single 30 & 32 and of course twisted 34awg.

    I'm sorry to say it neofelis, but even with the thicker wire, you're just not going to get the vapour you want out of a ProVari V1 due to the amp limit. You need a mechanical mod to push the thicker wire and twisted coils to their true potential.
  16. SG Brittanys

    SG Brittanys New Member

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    Hey Krit, does apply to the v2 as well?

    Sent from my GT-I9300T using Tapatalk 2
  17. binasymnJinia

    binasymnJinia New Member

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    It does and it doesn't. ProVari V2/Mini have 3.5 amp and 14.5W limiters.
    I push all my coils to the 14.5W limit. At the moment I have a 1.8 Ohm coil on the ZAP I push it as far as it goes which is 5.3V.

    The ProVari V2 does give you a little more room to play with but still not enough. My preference is 5/4 wraps of twisted 30awg on a mech mod or if it's dual coil, 2x 5/4 wraps of 30awg.

    It all just depends what you're after though. I'm all about pushing my devices to their maximum potential and to do that with genesis atomisers, you need a mech mod/hybrid. A ProVari just isn't going to deal with a 0.75 Ohm coil, not even at its lowest setting of 2.9V. E1 & E2 messages galore. I wouldn't want to go any lower than 3.4V

    I use the precise+ with my gennies and even that has voltage loss of ~0.3V dependant on the atomiser. So a fresh battery generally gives me 3.9V to the coil. This is where you want to be! ;)
  18. ekfkfkamergolik

    ekfkfkamergolik New Member

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    How do you know that you losing volts Krit?
  19. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    Thanks to Stoney and his ECD meter. :)

    0.3V is nothing to complain about, in fact, it's quite good. You won't find many mods that will have a lower voltage loss. Every mechanical mod has a resistance be.comse it is a conduit of electrical charge. You will never find a mod that delivers full battery charge to the coil be.comse of said resistance and even the resistance of the atomiser/cartomiser/clearomiser's body and/or casing.
  20. Fathkiff

    Fathkiff New Member

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    Filed out my airhole using a small file like Noe did and much better! Thanks Noe :D

    Tank is nearly emtpy, so next I think, new wick, new coil using the washers aswell, see how much better I can get it.

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