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AGA-T Setup Thread

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by Chefkoch1984, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. snarks01

    snarks01 New Member

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    Whats the difference between yours and stock one? What changes were made?
  2. PefTearfach

    PefTearfach New Member

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    He took all the knurling off mate.
    Look good too.
  3. Joubrebus

    Joubrebus New Member

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    Knurling (and diamond at that, which is the hardest one to achieve. Straight knurling is easier.)
  4. Danabell

    Danabell New Member

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    That aint a mod, this is a mod!


    Drilled out that screw attachment hole to 3mm, the same as the standard wick hole.
    Drilled out the air hole to 1mm, added another 1mm air hole.
    Added 2 of the nuts from the old AGA to minimise wire space between wick and post.

    Dual wick, dual coil 5/4 wraps 30awg 0.70 total resistance.

    Vapes like a beast. Tonnes of vapour but the flavour isn't as good as I would like (in comparison to the bliSS).

    All in all though, a successful modification.

    I smashed another glass tank on the bliSS, hence me modding it to be like the bliss. Just need to add a fill hole.
  5. Bubsoibe

    Bubsoibe New Member

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    What drip tip is that krit?

    Monday I might get my AGA-T's in the mail from giruvian :D I purchased her two :)
  6. aihnfngutliac

    aihnfngutliac New Member

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    Ok folks, spent the evening playing with my new AGAs from this co-op ( thanks heaps Krit).
    I love the look of them and they are a perfect fit on my Paps, seriously great looking for the dosh.
    But after 3 attempts at setting one up with different wicks and coil configurations I am calling it a night.
    Why? Be.comse IMHO with the center post as it is I just can't get my usual perfect genny setup how I like it.
    The Solid SS AGA atty from the last Co-op had quite large center post nuts, and for some reason the Chinese boffins have decides to
    shrink them on this model creating a very long open air run of wire from the top of the wick to the post nut, hot spots galore for me no matter what I
    do, and no matter how bendy a wick I use I am over it.
    That's not to say I didn't get the occasional good vape , but zero stability on my 0.7Ohm and 0.9Ohm coils.
    I am sure that a pair of 9mm stainless Steel washers to clamp the wire and eradicate the the open air gap will solve this issue for a few cents, so I am not at all upset,
    I just can't get what I want happening without those washers.
    So off to the fastener stockist tomorrow.
  7. moksAlex

    moksAlex New Member

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    The old nuts from the AGAs fit on the same thread on the screw.
    I am planning to use some from the AGAs I have on the AGA-Ts & use the smaller ones on the AGA at the bottom to hold it together.
  8. nShaundaGallowayc

    nShaundaGallowayc New Member

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    Let us know how the washers go studiovape, I'm keen to try the same, just need to find the time to get to bunnings or somewhere!
  9. alenagartvih

    alenagartvih New Member

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    Cops one deliverd today....generous swap with some Ry4 and ego t mod and battery...thanks mate..much appreciated...and I luv yr little mini provari...looks the bomb
  10. hunk110

    hunk110 New Member

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    Even easier, just leave the hole open and tilt accordingly. :)

    Having said that though, the AGA-T dual wick/coil has no fill hole/airflow and it keeps up just fine unregulated pushing around 20watts at 4.1V
    Even with wick the size of the wick holes and 5/4 wraps of 30awg. :)
  11. Kristy hugs KitKat

    Kristy hugs KitKat New Member

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    Ok I'll bite :)

    If I leave the air hole open two things can happen,
    1.You can get flooding or overwicking which reduces optimum vapor production for any given coil and wick setup.
    2. Your atty leaks like crazy when you put it down next to you on the car seat, or if your cat knocks it over in the night LOL.

    In short you can adjust for the perfect compromise between wicking and leaking.

    I have run setups that don't need a breather hole at all, but for my vaping style it's always a poor compromise.

    At the moment my DID is running a 0.7Ohm coil on a single wick at 25 watts of a fresh battery, It doesn't flood and it doesn't dry hit, thanks to that screw, plus I can lay it down for a few minutes without emptying the tank.

    With your dual setup on the AGA-t each wick is running at 10watts, and that's never going to be a hard task for #400 or #500 mesh to keep up with tank venting or not,
    how the hell are you filling the tank though :)

    That's not to say, I'm not tempted to set one of my AGA-ts with a dual wick just for kicks after seeing your nice pics.

    To close, I just want to add that I for one am very happy with the way you ran this co-op Krit, and have had some insight to all the work that goes on behind the scenes.
    I hope you are feeling more like yourself after being so unwell.
  12. sucounnilync

    sucounnilync New Member

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    Thanks SV.

    I got the dremmel.
  13. pydrima

    pydrima New Member

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    thanks for the hard yards on these krit, a few issues there at the end but you waded through eventually.

    i will wade through this thread and pull out the hints/tips/ideas posts and start a new thread in the modding area with them.

    anyway ..i finally got off my lazy arse and set one up properly last night, i had done a silica one with 6 lengths of the supplied wick. it was a bit meh ..
    swapping lids got me one with a prrfectly lined up airhole, using a large diameter but thin walled wick and 2/3 turns 32 .comge for clouddddds.. 1.4Ω at even 3.0v
    i started settinng it up on a v1 provari .. E1,E1,E1,E1,E1,E1,E1,E1. bah!
    stuck it on v2 provari at 2.9v .. poke,poke,job done .. its amazing what that 0.2v less and 1A more can cope with..

    i think the thinner walled top cap on these compared to the heavier built steel tank (forgot name) we got last time is an improvement, these are a keeper.
  14. lickerboy

    lickerboy New Member

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    6mm M3 stainless steel washers, 2.2mm #500 mesh 55mm wick 30g 3/4 wrap 1.1Ohms, no hotspots no setup issues 33cents spent :)


    Sweet on the Paps in 18500 mode.

  15. MrRawr

    MrRawr New Member

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    Having a lot of issues with these.

    Im getting alot of dry hits. also a metalic taste at first.

    Several E1 errors and I think im just doing something wrong..

    Can someone post a video on how to set these up - i tried brushing the coils but still no luck
  16. formerly_bob

    formerly_bob New Member

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    set them up the same as any other genesis, must be a million videos out there by now.
    E1, metallic taste, dry hits all sound like shorts.

    run low volts and poke the base if any hot orange glows till the coil burns even.

    gennies do taste very very different as well..
  17. dreamman

    dreamman New Member

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    Make sure you oxidise your wick thoroughly then try using theis method to make your coil, it works like magic ;)
    Just make sure the coil will slip over the wick without forcing it but it should be touching.


    Edit: To oxidise the wick, I glow it red while still flat, then roll it & make sure it will fit in the wick hole, without forcing it. Then glow it again, holding it on a straightened paperclip by turning it 4 times through 90 degrees & glowing up & down the length each time it's turned , then turn it around & do the same again from the other end.
    Then drip juice on one end & light with a bic lighter, repeat 3 times, then turn the wick around & repeat on the other end.
  18. dirtymin

    dirtymin New Member

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    Thanks for your help guys! I spent 7 hours last night trying to do it but kept getting E1 errors on the provari.

    Ill try again tonight.
  19. Holly

    Holly New Member

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    Hi all,

    Quick question, do I need to loosen or remove a screw for an air hole when setting up?

  20. Tom C

    Tom C New Member

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    I loosened one when I was using it.
    Just try and see what works best for you.

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