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future battery design

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by erickcrvtd, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. erickcrvtd

    erickcrvtd New Member

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    A post on one of the other threads made me think this could be a good subject to tap into. we would all love a very small battery,not just for ecigs.

    This would be cool

    I think ecigs would be an ideal application.

    still some major hurdles to overcome though, but this shows where it could head if small fuel cells become a reality.


    lithium ion is bottom left. hydrogen fuel cell research is coming along in leaps and bounds and liquid hydrogen may well become the fuel of the future for things like cell phones, alcohol probably before that though. peak currents would be an issue. but l. we only need electricity converted to heat, an enterprising manufacturer could come with a butane powered ecig for instance.

    i reckon 10 years could easily see a 510 sized device with a weeks storage ability and possibly a 10 second recharge time.
  2. biohazard

    biohazard New Member

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    A weeks worth of power and a 10 second recharge time? Sign me up! :)
  3. garn222

    garn222 New Member

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    Way Cool ... I think the next logical step.. for me anyway .. would be a cig case that has a larger capacity battery or fuel cell, like a PCC and a cigalike which features inductive charging , so you take the e-cig out ... puff away ... put it back in case , and it.comto charges back to 100% ready to roll .... I see NJOY almost got it right with their latest release ... but its still a fit the battery and charge altenative .... inductive makes a heap more sense :D

    look at how far battery tech has come in the last 20 years ... I think we are in for some suprises soon !
  4. Kev

    Kev New Member

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    Can't wait for the Apple ivape!
  5. Anypopy

    Anypopy New Member

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    All that battery talk is Japanese to me, but if it means powerful 510... i want!
  6. Vortmo

    Vortmo New Member

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    I keep waiting for a LiPo powered Oral-B so I can pinch the inductive charger for a tube mod
  7. Yuri <3

    Yuri <3 New Member

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    I stalk ebay for similar items LOL !!
    ( There is only pissy little Wii ninchickie things usually , which wont handle what we need )
  8. qskuznl6w

    qskuznl6w New Member

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    There's this

    Light For Life™ UC3.400™ Flashlight

    90 second charge, 120 minute runtime, 135 years life expectancy but not quite a 510 size.

    Geez, we're still at 0 ??? I remember the old TRS-DOS model 16 when I was a kid. 64K RAM, 8 inch floppy drives, no hard drive. The thing was like 10 grand and the ants pants until the XT came out and blew it away. We though thats about as good as it will get for like the next 50 years. :) Well that was until I did work experience at IBM and saw the model 286 multi million dollar machine that filled up 2 floors of the building in north sydney. Climate control, air curtains, clean room etc. Nowdays, the thing wouldn't even be powerful enough to run a mobile phone. I wonder if that's where we're at with batteries. Here I am getting all exited over every advancement. :)

    I like the idea of liquid hydrogen. When we get sick of our mods, we can save our lanfill and .comnch it to the moon :p
  9. Raymondojf

    Raymondojf New Member

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    Hmmm ... a small, unobtrusive battery that is easily recharged after every 15 puffs or so that has sufficient C rate to power an LR atty / carto ... sounds like it would suit a lot of people. Just thinking out loud here ... 100mAh with 25C discharge rate, 5C charge rate?

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