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V8 Shotty mod - some build up pics

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by sourekv, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. sourekv

    sourekv New Member

    Likes Received:
    this mod is just silly but it had to done
    these are old pics of no# 1 - i think i have about 6 all up in various stages of completion atm
    its basically 4 shottymods put together
    using 8 stacked unprotected batteries in pairs , woot woot
    this mod is very well vented with ex.comst ports externally on each side
    for each individual battery
    please dont tell me its dangerous , save it for ecf
    i knew the dangers of batts long before i knew about ecigs
    there are a lot of pics ive left out of this
    all the wiring/ switching /internal insulators - fiddly bits etc
    there is quite a lot going on in there , just the amount of bloody holes that had to done
    was a fekken nightmare
    i did have 8 juice bottles sitting ontop of it as well with very fine feeder tubes to each atty
    but that was a pain in the bum to work right and it also just fed by itself due to capillary action
    so 8 x 10ml bottles = huge bloody mess
    it can take cartomisers but even 8 carto's at once , still shitty useless carto's
    4 pics per post limit , damn




  2. TEWWilfor

    TEWWilfor New Member

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  3. leekar

    leekar New Member

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  4. thatlaurengirl

    thatlaurengirl New Member

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  5. jonahgabriel

    jonahgabriel New Member

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  6. John The Bear

    John The Bear New Member

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    i happen to have a sale for one of these to a certain romanian collector who really really really REALLY wants one..
    will point him here later .. prepare to be harrassed.

    edit: if you want more reserved space .. lemme know .. will repost it further up.

    another edit: its your .comlt if he harrrasses you .. i kept him off your back by telling him there was only one in existence..
  7. aalexylittley2443

    aalexylittley2443 New Member

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    Hey BillyBoy, they're fricking master pieces.

  8. rocky58

    rocky58 New Member

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    Leaving for work Sunday.

    I would just love to drop one of these in the tray going through airport security!! B.comtiful work.
  9. jehzswift9268

    jehzswift9268 New Member

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    ok im pic pasting worn out atm . lol
    yah stoney , ive had some very interesting pm's regarding this and other crap ive done
    its why i disappear a lot from forums
    im sure with your skills in what you have done with the magic device thingy youve made
    you already know what im talking about

    as for selling these , hmmmmmm , yarr money is always nice but , its a tricky question
    i still consider this as something i do when im in the mood for it
    so its not something i could enslave myself to as it would lose its appeal
    but yeh i geuss i will have some spares to move on sooner or later :)

    lol rob , ive taken some weird pv's thru domestic airport checkpoint and just been asked wtf is that , ecig mod seemed to cover it ok
  10. kostass

    kostass New Member

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    yeh checking 5 forums for PMs and replying to em all can take a while at times .. need to get stuff in vendors hands.
  11. Rotamapy

    Rotamapy New Member

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    One word Billy. =

  12. xdoblzm1q

    xdoblzm1q New Member

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    I've loved this thing for months since you posted the pics at VF -- but I won't bug you for one, billy, I have my shotgun, if I get a chance to pick one of these up, though, you know damned well I will!!! :)
  13. asdfgt23y

    asdfgt23y New Member

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    That would be the ULTIMATE for parties, I want one for sure.

    What would you estimate its cost at so far?

    bugzme x 1 :)
  14. LoadSex

    LoadSex New Member

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    hmmm , cost to make
    im just a bloke who drinks beer while in the shed and makes stuff
    so if i caclulated how many hours i spent on each mod and charged a basic hourly rate
    the cost would be totally stupid for the V8
    even a basic shottymod which is the pv i use myself 24/7 and has maybe a materials cost of $25 or so
    still takes an annoying amount of time to put together
    i got quotes for the shottymods main piece to be made from 6 other machinist's and for a batch of 100 at a time the cost was ridiculous
    so this game for me is definitely a hobby first
    any device i do make is made to try and satisfy my vaping needs first an foremost
    im in the shed right now and am looking at 20 half finished ones that i couldnt be arsed completing
    i wont get rich makin the crap i make unfortunately

    ahahaha mr Ripple
    im pretty sure ive left you clues on other forums for ages to contact me about geting a decent shottymod
    i know you got hold of a usb one but that needs a decent powerpack hooked up to it to work well
    pm me some address details you goose and i will send you one
    i think i have at least 2 in stock in the states already at my secret storage center in alabama that are ready to be shipped out so yeh
    let me know

    11.30 am
    still got the flu
    4 beers so far
    hayfever tablet
    a few painkillers and some panadol forte + various other things
    feel great
    ill read this later and go , hmmmm -----edit button
    glad its a public holiday
    need more beer
  15. ausweis

    ausweis New Member

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    Sent you a PM already, buddy!!! :D
  16. Diet Guru

    Diet Guru New Member

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    lol , i knew you were stalking me
    ill read it later when im back in the house and drinking coffee and then ill email my bloke in the states to send one out
    atm im more interested in getting pissed and farting about in the shed making a mess
  17. hipHOPhead

    hipHOPhead New Member

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    Ain't nothing wrong with that :D Thanks on the mod, whatever it costs I know from personal experience its worth the money.......:)
  18. lovemature22

    lovemature22 New Member

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    Congrats on an amazing mod Billy !
    I'm afraid Stoney was right, the romanian guy did show up :)
    When and if you have one extra, i'd definitely be interested in it. I have no time limit, and there is no rush. Since first seeing a short video of it, i always assumed it's going to be an one off, so when i heard that there's a chance for more, even if it requires a lot of time, i considered it great news. I just wonder what's the total engine displacement on it, and what ridiculous amount would the romanian government tax me for a small v8 :)
    No worries about being harrassed, if it happens, it happens, if not, i'll just harass Ripple to stalk you :)

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