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Mod module v1 feature discussion

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by Gnarnia 1337, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. Sobstook

    Sobstook New Member

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    I'm only talking about the atty connection, LED and button ...
  2. stutrapackpap

    stutrapackpap New Member

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    yeh, just adds a bit to size thats all, particularly thru hole as it takes up board space on both sides of the board. it doesn't sound like much but add 10 connections .. it adds up. especially when all the functionality is already in the board.

    thinking of other methods at the moment .. like connections on edge of board like an edge connector, can either solder wires to the strips, or various option boards with different layouts, i dunno..
  3. wwe3163

    wwe3163 New Member

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    Mounted on the board or on leads?? On leads, Ok for me?
  4. Lion Ate Lamb

    Lion Ate Lamb New Member

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    Multiple boards would mean more cost, and harder for you :( Edge connector on the other hand ... but I'll wait until you have had time to think and come up with what you believe is the best solution and produce a mudmap (without giving up your design, of course)
  5. Sottdiet

    Sottdiet New Member

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    Error mode of the LED is how I thought it'd be. The display would be useful to check the current voltage and more importantly, resistance especially if you're winding your own coils. But ... if it's one or the other, the 7 segment is more useful if you don't have a Stoney-meter (trying to think of the wider.comdience, not just me).

    The "Golf GTi" was my piss poor effort at humour :eek:, sorry.
  6. asrarova

    asrarova New Member

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    Stone don't listen to him.

    Design a cable from From USB to Ipod, and sell it at the same markup that Apple sell their accessories. That will make you money!!
  7. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

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    heres my thoughts on a led only display ..
    bear in mind .. i am still talking about 2 models, led and 7 segment anyway but ..

    led version .. variable wattage, this is my original prototype from a year ago.
    theslow red/green flash is for setting power, press during red and it goes up half a watt, green and it goes down.
    that was a 5 press i think to get in that mode, cant remember, then a single press during red increased power by 0.5W

    after .. is a triple press.
    red led flashes wattage, 4 flashes .comse 1 flash .. 4.5W
    green led .. battery .. 3 flashes .comse 6 flash .. 3.6v.
    blue led then was for atty resistance but not implemented in this version.

    this one flashes blue led every 5 seconds to show its on, bit silly really, lights up a bedroom at night for a month or so.

  8. Chariot

    Chariot New Member

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    and that version still has a bug, blew the ego C atty straight after I made that vid, 25W. ... poooof.
  9. cocoa

    cocoa New Member

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    The LED will be easier to build into a mod, but I like the simplicity of use of the display?? What to go for???
  10. drarbefs

    drarbefs New Member

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    oh, the blue flash was originally going to be battery state at idle, basically after you had a puff, the led would flash a colour quickly for charge state.
    from green to 3.7 up, blue at 3.7
    orange 3.6
    red below 3.6

    during vaping the led indicates the output mode, series or parallel.
    if it cant supply the power in parallel it swaps to series.
  11. uzmpunhnxj

    uzmpunhnxj New Member

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    Stoney mate, if you make a reasonably priced, Variable watt, LCD screened module, with a separate button, separate eGo connector & charging circuit separate from the main board, that is what I would want.
    If it had all that + a few features like, battery protection, on/off control, check ohms, check watts etc. then it would sell very well IMO.
    The ability to use 1 or 2 batts would also be good but if it has to be 2 it has to be 2. I would find a suitable case to fit in 18650's & buy a hot melt glue gun & set it into it.
  12. davedave

    davedave New Member

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    LCD .. never .. but oled .. maybe later.
    you realise they are fragile both electrically and mechanically, so from my point of view adds quite a bit to design difficulty and most users would be hesitant to tackle the mounting. you have an inch long flexible pcb that tears easily and it needs a case with a transparent cover, ideally glass so you can read the tiny letters.
    waterproofing for juice spills ...
    electronically . needs another regulator ..

    but .. i want one too, so when 3d printer arrives, will reconsider, currntly there are no oled modules on ebay.
    so may be tricky to get a reliable source cheap.
    flex connectors are a pita..
  13. afonuschkin

    afonuschkin New Member

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    What is the display on the LavaTube? I think it is LCD but I could be wrong, that is what I was envisioning.
  14. Acksenika

    Acksenika New Member

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    LED ... dual 7 segment display.

    the darwin has an LCD .. i thought you meant like that.
    http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f344/Indiaphotos123/ecig stuff/CIMG1894.jpg

    an oled example is like an ipod display. though thats full colour, the cheap little mp3 players are typically mono oleds with a colour overlay.
    something like these may be an option later. not high on the agenda though for reasons listed earlier..
  15. crissmor

    crissmor New Member

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    Excellent. This is one of the best features IMO. What it does do is take away the "what voltage am I on" to "this vapes best at this power level". Two questions though: if we remove the batteries, will the module de.comlt to some preset value or remember it's last setting (for a limited time; say 2 mins)? Secondly, from your experience, is 0.5W a small enough increment (though I'm guessing it is)?

    I just know I'm going to lose count :) But with practice (or a Stoney-meter), I'm sure I'll manage.

    Again, this is excellent. The last bit is truly free-thinking :)

    So I can appreciate the simplicity of a LED output, but I wonder about everyone else? You have to judge whether making 2 different boards is worth the effort and extra expense.

    And also whether LED feedback will impress the younger people enough to make them want to buy it over a 7 segment or OLED (although there's always the "ooh look it flashes, and different colours too" factor :))
  16. Spenny

    Spenny New Member

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    it remembers settings for 100 years minimum.
    as per the data sheet.

    edit: Stony meter does too..
  17. zicpro

    zicpro New Member

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    LED ... dual 7 segment display.

    http://www.ebay.com.com/itm/128X64-...0?pt=LH_De.comltDomain_0&hash=item2c5fb6 7746

    You forgot img/url tags :p

    7segment led is fine then :) as long as I can read the numbers rather than have to count led flashes LOL
    Flashing leds would be cool as an additional feature, kinda like a "glowstick" so you could set the device to "disco mode" & just put it down & watch the light show!
  18. incarty

    incarty New Member

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    in reality, a variable wattage mod once set, rarely needs adjusting, who cares if it 6W or 8W so long as it is what you want.
    nobody has complained about lack of display on ego twists.
    so its capable of flashing ., but rarely gets used, battery state is a quick colour flash. I guess I would make all that configurable and remembered ad infinitum .. what is on or off.
    you have the led bright so it is visible through a pinhole in the case, use a bit of fishing line as a light pipe, a display is far more dico light.
  19. eL6rC1uG8g

    eL6rC1uG8g New Member

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    Would the 7 segment display what wattage? or via the serial? (if your putting on) hard keeping track with ur voodoo electronic mumbo jumbo.
  20. lgdztufmdf

    lgdztufmdf New Member

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    yes it would display wattage.
    discussing 2 versions, first version .. with a RGB led (which i prefer) which can also display wattage, batt voltage and resistance in coded flashes .. or not.
    will move onto 7 segment version discussion later, that will have more display options as it can have a more descriptive menu.

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