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Found a good source for 18650's for Lavatube etc.

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by Irrallsig, Oct 24, 2015.

  1. Irrallsig

    Irrallsig New Member

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    I recently bought some 18650s from Ebay that were fairly cheap. I ended up contacting the seller. Seems he really knows his stuff and just does this mainly as a hobby. We got talking about what I wanted them for and turns out a few other people had asked about E-cig stuff too. I bought 2 Sanyo UR18650F and 2 IMR UR18650W batteries from him. Both perform great in the Lavatube.
    He asked if I could send the original battery to him to try and identify what it was and find a good match. He sent the battery back with a battery he sourced to try out. I have the results of the test he performed on the original battery compared to some other 18650's as well as some info from emails between us I can post if anyone here is interested. Most of it went straight over my head.
    Anyway, the batteries he sourced as a good alternative for vapers are now listed on his ebay page.
    supersports600 | eBay
    They are these ones: 2x Panasonic IMR 18650 2250mAh Lithium Manganese VAPER 3.6v CGR 18650 CH battery
    He recons if he had to put a battery up to his mouth, this would be the best one;)
    Hope this helps, if anyone wants more info fire away.

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