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Rebuildable Tank Atomizers (FRTA,Squiggle)

本帖由 Pink Floyd Fun2015-10-20 发布。版面名称:Vape Modding and Technical

  1. schmanto1

    schmanto1 New Member

    Hey besure,

    Check the thread with the list mate.

  2. klavasimon

    klavasimon New Member

    Well I received my line clone today courtesy of ravenmica. It's reasonably well made and has a lightly brushed finish on the stainless. Two windows in the outer sleeve allow you to see the juice level. One concern is the use of enamelled copper wire for the coil connections. I just hope the enamel is compatible with juices. The ends where the coil connects were stripped of enamel to expose the bare copper. I soldered over these with lead free solder to prevent corrosion of the copper. I can't tell how these enamelled wires are joined to the connector but if soldered I hope it's lead free.

    It came with a 15x13cm piece of mesh, about enough for 8 or so wicks, and a length of wire that I assume is Kanthal. I used a 52x40mm piece of mesh to roll the wick then proceeded to torch/dunk in water 4 times and then applied and burnt off juice a couple of times. Wound on 6 or 7 turns of wire for the coil and then assembled it. The stopper that supports the connecting wires and that has the hole for the wick appears to be a rather soft silicone and the hole for the wick seemed too small and was oblong shaped but I was able to feed the wick into it and then attach the coil to the connecting wires. Put the meter on it and it measured 2.7 ohms....perfect.

    Now there is no hole to inject the juice into that I could find so I filled it with about 2.5ml by using an 18g syringe down the bore of the wick. Applied some more juice to the wick and it was ready to vape. It has a quite airy draw to it as I think the air hole is a bit on the large side but the vapour is nice and warm at 8 watts. Flavour was a bit strange at first but that settled.

    I've also noticed the resistance fluctuating quite markedly from as low as 1.7 to as high as 3.2ohms, perhaps as the coil is shorting to the wick. Fortunately with variable power it doesn't change the vapour production much but it could be interesting on fixed or variable voltage mods.

    Will it become my all day vape? Somehow I don't think so but I will persist with it for the time being.

  3. Angry Grandma .

    Angry Grandma . Member

    Have to agree with JIB, great review and touches on the issues some will find with this

    mod. Preparation of the wick and coil are well explained and shown on the Youtube link

    posted by MB. Could be a mod to mod and then ... mod again, will have to wait and see.
  4. ekkifzcuabma

    ekkifzcuabma New Member

    ok, mine arrived today, just opened me package for a look see,
    got about an envelope sized square of mesh and around 2m of wire with it. So should be some trial and error safety there ..
    copper wires to attach the wire too, fairly solid, hmm, no fill hole I can see apart from the one the mesh goes into, so I figure it has to be refilled through the hole in the centre on the mesh..

    atty is quite solid, fairly impressed with the robustness, standard 510 drip tip fits on top .. cool.

    oh, just put the delrin looking supplied tip in gob, its metal as well..

    will attempt to make one up shortly and have a go..
  5. Katherine

    Katherine New Member

    well i made one .. in the traditional 'I did it my way' style .. couldnt be bothered getting PG so I burned both ends then sprayed it with sprayable canola oil, I figure it makes my cast iron frypans black .. burnt that back to red hot. Its a lot like the ato-miser in taste and TH, bites like a mallee bull, using 24mg is pretty much unvapeable without coughing :)
    I did 6.5 turns and it was originally 2.6Ω and now its rock solid on 2.5Ω.
    Had a lot of trouble getting juice into the thing, had a syringe needle full depth but I did a fairly long wick so the needle wasn't coming out the bottom, just using a 2ml syringe and I reckon I got 1ml in the tank and 1ml in the sink. I have a good head start on madbunny with a 'what not to do' video :)
    I might actually try some 0mg in this to see what happens, taste is good, but like the ato-miser .. the TH from cold nic liquid will make you cough.
  6. CrimiTic

    CrimiTic New Member

    hmm, how to remove juice...
  7. robertocahvs9896

    robertocahvs9896 New Member

    One major negative for this clone. Probably need to remove coil & wick, suck out any juice with syringe then use syringe to flush rinse it.
  8. twistedfish

    twistedfish New Member

    Vape eeeeeeeeeeeeet!
  9. dreamman

    dreamman New Member

    I didn't have a lot in there, tryed to add a bit more in the top and was still getting most of it running down the side, ended up piercing the tank top with the needle and injecting that way.
    0mg .. apple, still rough, need to suck hard to stop it getting stale in the atty.
  10. Kade

    Kade New Member

    I currently have a spare SS kit if someone wants it. $37 plus post of choice.

    PM me if you want it. It's already set up with wick and coil.

    Thanks RaVeN
  11. zisf|ellawep265

    zisf|ellawep265 New Member

    Well they arrived today and I set off making one up. First attempt and I got a 3.2 Ohm coil done, I was aiming for 3.0 ohms so I was pretty happy.

    Fired it up and was impressed that it was wicking really well. Put out heaps of vapour but the Airflow on this thing is not quite right. It was extremely airy to start off with.

    Only got to play with it for 5 minutes, but im guessing the mesh and coil needs a decent break in period. I wasn't getting much flavour yet.
  12. eser69in

    eser69in New Member

    Not sure if these pics have been posted previously. They show how Mert the modder sets up
    his rebuildable attiy/tanks. One very important thing he mentions is to make sure the wires are
    evenly spaced if possible and definately touching the mesh to prevent harshness. They mellow
    after burning off juice a number of times first before vaping.
    Hope these pics are of assistance to anyone,
    Cheers RaVeNm

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  13. viemage

    viemage New Member

    well I just made up my second wick, this time i made it much shorter so I can it a syringe needle down the length of it, also a little less mesh and rolled it tighter.
    used one of the 3Ω heaters from my ato-miser kit, I think it was 5 turns, came in at 2.2Ω when its insulating ok.
    prepared by dunking into a silicon cap of pg 4 times, burnt crap outta me fingers 4 times.
    had a lot more trouble with insulation this time around, top wire was glowing, close look could see a little arc to the mesh at the end of the red hot bit .. nudged around with syringe point until it mostly glowed, this wire even tho extruded in the centre seems thicker than the supplied wire, will be sticking with that.
    occasionally drops down to as low as 1.3Ω but sits on 1.5 to 1.7 or up to 2.2 even, I will see if it stabilses with use, started at 3.3v on provari and it was useable at that, got keen and went to 4.2v, isntant arc and E1 error and back down to 1.3Ω .. more poking got it up to 1.7Ω and sat on 3.7v.
    this one unlike my canola oil burn off job is vapeable, so won't be using canola spray again ;)
    syringe at 2ml pretty much filled tank to the top of the window and had to wipe off some that escaped as it vents air while filling, so I would say 2ml is about the max these tanks hold.
    a hot glowing bit gives burnt taste instantly, easy to tell if it needs a poking.
    all in all, still learning, well ahead of MB on not what to do now..
  14. kuksavinni

    kuksavinni New Member

    in the hopes of getting some feedback and helping people play with these .. here are my thoughts so far..
    I have a theory now .. went through 1.5ml of juice very very quickly, woke up with a bit of a sore throat.
    What I reckon happens in these to make them very different is that since the wick is very thermally conductive instead of a thermal insulator like normal wick substances, then the ceiling temperature is kept stable.
    Instead of parts of the atty getting hotter than other parts, the entire heated area gets to the same temperature with no hot spots. This makes it a far more effective way of vaporising at least the lower temperature parts of the eliquid, whether we are fractionally distilling the liquid is also a possibility I reckon. I guess it depends on how well the flavours and nic and stuff hangs onto the PG. There is certainly flavour and nic present, so not major concern.
    future experiments ..
    ..having the part of wick that the heater wraps around be a lot smaller than the rest of the wick tube. ie, start with the L shaped mesh.
    ..upping the amount of VG, I can see these working differently with VG present than a normal atty or carto.
    ..wrapping a small amount of silica wick around the heater under the coil
    --perhaps adding a silica wick to the bottom end of the metal wick, be more of a line thing, this one needs a hole in the metal wick to fill.

    The wick I have made at the moment only goes in the tank to about 5mm below the top of the clear window, means if I don't tip it on occasions the wick will run dry. It can be vaped upside down and generates a lot more spitting type of vapor balls than normal, intense flavour then but its like getting juice in the mouth.
  15. vivechna

    vivechna New Member

    not needed in this thread but elsewhere on forums,irc etc ,, I suggest we call this type of atomiser an RTA, that way we can suggest people get an RTA, or my RTA exploded .. if anyone has a better acronym or if one already exists, let me know and I will change thread title to suit.
  16. unking

    unking New Member

    There is a guy called Clockworks in the UK who makes an RTA & RDA. These acronyms are related to his tanks. Maybe we could add F for Filipino.

  17. mellodramatic911

    mellodramatic911 New Member

    ok, FRTA it is ..
  18. swbkmgqijz

    swbkmgqijz New Member

    I reckon it could also be PHRTA but hey it sounds the same as FRTA :p
  19. netik

    netik New Member

    got it. the multicolor confused me>
  20. men_rg

    men_rg New Member

    In Mert's photos the mesh looks unoxidised. Could we assume that be.comse the plug in the middle is plastic there is no shorting issue?
