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misfiring lavatube.

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by aradashtolzeay5069, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. aradashtolzeay5069

    aradashtolzeay5069 New Member

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    so over the last couple of days my lavatube has been misfiring, not every time, but often enoughh to become an issue, when i press the button nothing happens. on all my cartos and atties it does the same. i've given the connection a good clean, tried backing off the cartos, pulling the posts, everything i can think that might be either not connecting or shorting out on the outside. the only thing left can bee a problem on the inside of the lavatube.

    so, anyone here ever taken one apart and successfully put it back together? i used to repair vaccums and i know which end of the soldering iron hurts, so finding a problem and fixing it isn't a worry for me, unless it's in the pcb, in which case, the surface mounted components can get farked...

    i don't want this to put people off getting a lavatube, i'd still recommend it to anyone, unless they're the kind of person that needs everything to be purple, i've not been treating it gently at all. it's thrown about, and sat in the centre console of a van with suspension made from what i can only guess is solid concrete, so it's still good, not a scratch...on the outside at least.
  2. Pseudonym

    Pseudonym New Member

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    Press the button harder
  3. Tino

    Tino New Member

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    Interested to know if you can get to the bottom of it once you open her up. I cant really offer any help but ive been having a similar problem just recently and i wonder if its the same thing.
    Ive had my lavatube since the end of 2011 and it really hasn't seen much use until i killed the switch on my main pv a couple of weeks ago so ended up making use of the lavatube.

    At first it would fire and then just cut out within a second (guesstimating here) initially i thought there might be something up with my cartomizer, so switched in a new one .. still no dice.. tried different adapters ..atomizers .. batteries..cleaned threads on end cap.. no consistent improvement but it would occasionally work as normal regardless of what i screwed into it.
    This went on for days and the only thing that seemed to work was pressing the button from the very edge at an angle.. but i dont know.. i might of been just thinking that was helping as after a few days of relying on this pos i was well and truly pissed off :rolleyes:

    Even before all this i was planning to rip it open and try to use the internals in a D.I.Y boxmod and came across this ECF thread posted on here by zainwolf.
    Electronique of Lavatube.(picture)

    At least you might get an idea of the internals.. he shows some kind of extraction tool he used... but never came back to explain it any further.

    I tried that.. after reading ship's thread.. no luck.
  4. lady1221

    lady1221 New Member

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    yeah, i know about the click being before connection on the switch. this is different.

    makes me wish i had one of those lavatubes with the loose topcap...would make it a lot easier.
  5. adhgssazgjakr

    adhgssazgjakr New Member

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    One of ours started to fire on it's own and then started not firing and the light not coming on when it should. I sent it back and received a replacement.
  6. syperposter

    syperposter New Member

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    Mine will misfire when the battery charge gets to about 3.5 V usually drawing a current of 2.0 A.

    Do you have any trouble with a new battery?

    I find that the limiter is about 2.0 A not 2.5 A, and if the lavatube cant draw the appropriate current from the battery and the calculated current should be below 2.0 A it will cut out.

    The simple equation for calculating current, resistance and voltage is V = IR, where V = Voltage, I = Current, R = Resistance.

    There are alot of variables that come into the true current of a device but you should be able to get a rough idea of the current by dividing the voltage over the resistance.
    Such that: I = V/R

    Sorry for the physics lesson, I hope this helps in some way.
  7. SLS3772

    SLS3772 New Member

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    simple solution. it was either the spring on the end or the bit of shit on the positive connection. back to behaving properly.
  8. i<3yahoo

    i<3yahoo New Member

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    Usually is the most simplest that solve the problems, glad your having no troubles now.
  9. DeathVolker

    DeathVolker New Member

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    turns out it may have been coincidental. i noticed last night that the connection itself was spinning around in the top cap. so that's come loose. the misfire was back, but quick tap on the side of my head fixed it when it happened.

    one day soo i'll get the top cap off and have noodle about inside.

    i think that maybe the torque that's put on it when it's in my pocket with an arry tank on is what made it loose.

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