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Which Battery...

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by hatayizmir, Oct 13, 2015.

  1. hatayizmir

    hatayizmir New Member

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    Yes.. another battery thread.. I couldn't find a thread to ask in since searching for "battery" or "batteries" brings up just about every thread on the forums.. hehe.. :)

    Anyway.. I am finding that these AW IMR 1100mah 18490's to be fading rather quickly compared to what I am used to. Is that normal for this battery type? I mean, I can get a decent amount of time from them.. maybe 8 hours.. but after the first 2 or 3 hours the output from the battery seems like it is almost completely discharged.. it will keep going for a long time after but the vape is just not as satisfying meaning that I am actually only getting a decent 2 or 3 hours out of the batteries.. :(

    I'm not sure whether protected batteries will fit the Bolt, which is what I am using.. but either way, I need to find a solution to getting better battery life in terms of decent output for longer.. any suggestions?
  2. soolvereola

    soolvereola New Member

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    Aw IMR have a smaller MAH capacity (1100 mah) but only drop of , for me right at the end with 5 mins to go, the black AW protecteds, have greater mah but slowly start dropping off over the life of the battery, by last 1/4 i swap them over.

    what sort of mod - have you checked the contacts and cleaned it, are the batteries old, what sort of charger? Do you have a multi meter and have you checked the voltage at a few points over the life and what does it read?
  3. yahoo-userx

    yahoo-userx New Member

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    New mod (Bolt), new batteries, all contacts clean etc.. the charger works for all the others but I don't have multi-meter.. I'll keep on with it.. and pay more attention to usage.. it could be just a perception thing.


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    Was over my parents house and used my Dad's multimeter. Both batteries come off the charger showing ~3.9v (or just below 4.0v, it's an analog multimeter, so it was hard to tell exact numbers).. but one definitely drops off faster than the other. The one I have in the Bolt now, which is the one I consider to be .comlty, has been on there since last night.. I didn't vape it while I was sleeping etc yet this morning it is like it's almost flat..

    Is it possible that the battery is draining while in the mod, even without the button pressed? It may not be making an electrical contact with the atomiser/cartomiser, but both ends of the battery are still in contact with something..
  5. Friendly Stranger..

    Friendly Stranger.. New Member

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    From memory, light, Stoney mentioned something about this happening in a provari.. Granted might have taken longer than overnight. Might be worth hitting him up about it.

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
  6. elurceprealty

    elurceprealty New Member

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    Definitely an issue with leaving the batteries in this mod.. same thing happened last night. I've noticed that if you charge a battery, then turn off the charger and leave the battery in the charger, it will also slowly discharge. So maybe from now on I will take my batteries out of the mods at night.. it's an extra inconvenience but better than having a flat battery in the morning.
  7. ying ting

    ying ting New Member

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    whats in the bolt?
    if its nothing but a switch then it will not be discharging batterys unless there is leakage in the switch.
    unlikely but not impossible with juice around. can test in current mode on the meter, but its trickier. the provari has electronics thats always on, hence it draws current all the time.
    if you are using unprotecteds and ever go below 2.8v then it damages the battery and you get reduced capacity and increased internal resistance. ie .. sucky vape.
    fully charged cell is 4v, voltage will only stay there for a short time then drop back to 3.7 or so, 4 to 3.7 is 92% of the voltage but only 85% of the wattage. throw in a damaged cell it will drop more under load.
    your charger is not fully charging, i charge to 4.2v

    this is why i intend to run protecteds in the katana.
  8. Mrjohson12

    Mrjohson12 New Member

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    well they're unprotected IMR AW's.. what charger do you use? I just have a TR001..

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