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Help with battery connection for amateur

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by MarianoSchultz, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. MarianoSchultz

    MarianoSchultz New Member

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    Hi Guys,
    Firstly, I just want to say that I have very limited knowledge of electronics, but I have been modding and salvaging atty’s and carts since I started vapeing, and have also made quite a few passthrough set-ups, so I wanted to know if I can salvage my old batteries too… I have about 5 batteries laying around, all either boge leo or ego-t, which have burnt-out circuit boards. What I want to know is, is there any reason I cannot just connect the batteries directly to the case / centre-pin with a simple slide switch? i.e, NO circuit boards at all? Or do I need to have a circuit board to act as a regulator/resistor? I am aware of the dangers of unprotected batteries, but I am led to believe that some batteries are protected internally, is this the case with the ego and leo batts?
    Sorry if this question seems stupid to those of you in the know, but that is why I am asking you :)
  2. rae rae shorty

    rae rae shorty New Member

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    The cells are completely unprotected, thats what the rest of the mod does. They will fire a normal atty etc just fine, if you get a shorted atty or connector it will draw a lot of current and either kill the switch, the wiring or the cell, reasonable chance of a nasty overheat, I would also be adding a vent hole if you intend to try it.
    The cell will be killed if it gets underdischarged and I am not 100% sure a normal ego type charger could be used, I suspect it could but it may get charged to a slightly higher voltage than normal, need to charge one that way and measure the final voltage is all, 4.25 or under will be ok.
    with no cut off from undervoltage, I expect thats how they will be killed, go under 2.8v or so and the cell will appear to charge (instantly maybe) but have no capacity.

    The switch pcbs are available for replacement, JW used to sell them but I can't see them there currently so likely out of stock.
    HG still have them though 5x eGo-T electronics set - E-cigarette battery connectors Heaven Gifts
    They are generally an unregulated and blue led style like the leo I think.
  3. asimbarko

    asimbarko New Member

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    just reread the description for those pcbs and it appears they have changed them, they are now the regulated ones with 5 click off mode as well. And the stupid self clean function :)
  4. alex les

    alex les New Member

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    Thanks heaps Stoney :)
    Damn though, i am an impatient girl, and when i have an idea of doing something mod-wise, i want to do it NOW.
    But yeah, at the risk of blowing something or someone up, i will wait til i buy a few pcb's from somewhere.
    Ta again,

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