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CE2 in Liquinator

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by pentor1987, Oct 7, 2015.

  1. pentor1987

    pentor1987 New Member

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    Putting a CE2 in a Liquinator is easy, all you need to do is

    1. Mod the CE2 by drilling 2 small holes in the side a couple of mm from the bottom (I used the smallest drill size I had) then insert into the Liquinator base (its tight so be careful not to break off the CE2 sleeve from the inner, Make sure you add some moisture to the inner "O" ring, for an easier slide
    View attachment 1426

    2. Instead of using the 3.5ml sleave on the Liquinator use the 5ml (I suppose you could use the 3.5 you would just have to slide the top down further, may look a little silly)
    View attachment 1427

    3. Before adding the top cap fill with Juice
    View attachment 1428

    4. Before sliding on the top cap which is a tight squeeze put some moisture on the inner rubber "O"Ring to lubricate it for an easier slide (as you dont want the O ring to dislodge when slidding the top cap down) I found by using a twist an push like screwing on a cap worked a treat, just take your time
    View attachment 1429

    5. Then just slide a Drip tip into the top of the CE2 and your done......CE2 Liquinator Tank Mod
    View attachment 1430

    6. Once complete just take a drag and it will fill the inner CE2 Tank with liquid :) as Stoney said the level of liquid in the CE2 will equal the level in the Outer Tank :)
  2. Amy R

    Amy R New Member

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    Hey I noticed you threw one in for me in my recent liquinator purchase I'll test and report back after the weekend cheers djansen :)
  3. ipgwzwxqex

    ipgwzwxqex New Member

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    Nice of you to share that information.

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