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Attys in carto tanks

Discussion in 'Vape Modding and Technical' started by PrivatePaula, Sep 30, 2015.

  1. PrivatePaula

    PrivatePaula New Member

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    Thought we had a thread here already about this but I can't find one. I have seen a few people mentiong wanting to try this lately.
    I am also getting a bit bored with cartos.
    I haven't tried a 306 yet, I did try a stock 510 atty once, punched 2 holes level with wick, put thread through hole and then wrapped it around atty outer a few times.
    It was wet, leaked a bit and generally not impressed.
    Anyone have any experiments worth sharing (or not).
  2. generic ambien online

    generic ambien online New Member

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    Yeah being pretty meh on cartos myself I would be interested in hearing suggestions. If imeo can fashion a method surely the rest of us can. Its odd be.comse I was just thinking of this myself today actually.
  3. metin_leon

    metin_leon New Member

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    Hey Stoney

    There is a thread on ECF about just that. Saw it a couple of months ago.
  4. CindaBran

    CindaBran New Member

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    I also made a tank using a 510 atty a few months back and suffered the same problems. Just tried putting one of the 306 cartos I made using SS mesh into a tank. Same deal....it's just too wet.
  5. Vengeance of God

    Vengeance of God New Member

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  6. GryOne83

    GryOne83 New Member

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  7. V1zius

    V1zius New Member

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  8. Dixclitly

    Dixclitly New Member

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    hmm, only thing different in that version from what I did with the 510 is the addition of the carto condom, perhaps a reasonable thing to add. Since overall the main issue seems to be it simply draws juice too easily then the silicon could perhaps be used to regulate the flow a little better.
    Herein lies the problem, I want to use an atty as they wick better so I don't really want to restrict it if possible, I am sure there is a happy medium but I suspect that it either a) not wick well enough when chain vaped or b) leak like a sieve when left alone for a while.
    I realise that dragging on the atty will .comse a pressure drop in the atty and thus suck in more juice, this is the area that needs to be regulated, effectively no real flow without assistance. So its only this area that needs to be 'tuneable'. The rest will fall into place.
    The atty I used I think was an old second hand non joye 510 that was quite old, may well have been past its use by date. It was just a conceptual test that failed.
  9. GaxyGoano

    GaxyGoano New Member

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    Those links I posted are not the ones I saw in the past. There is another one where he seemed to have cracked it. I think the attie was a 306, again with the drilled holes, but I cant remember what was different??
  10. syla

    syla New Member

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    I had a crack at it this evening.
    I used this guys method. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tze-R5oWoGA&lr=1

    Turns out as I suspected he's full of shit. It floods and leaks onto the connector. and yeah it's too wet.

    I tried my own idea of drilling a hole at the top of the 306 drip tip. Just below the top tank seal. The idea is that tipping the tank upside down a few drips will go in the hole.
    didn't work yet, but can't see why not.
    Tomorrow I'll either have to make the hole bigger than 2mm, or have a second hole.
  11. test0102

    test0102 New Member

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    I have had much the same idea thommo, what I was going to do was put a wick in that top hole and then down into the atty, with the idea that tipping it would then get the wick wet and control possible by the size of the wick. I always lay my ecig down though, my pup especially has a tail that can over a standing provari in about 3.4 seconds whereever it is placed.

    and a PS .. after reading the MWA vs Hopeless thread on VF, I wouldn't trust him to lay straight in bed either.
    I never tried as I thought it would leak like a bitch.
  12. Cloud 9 with bells on!

    Cloud 9 with bells on! New Member

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    I wouldn't say it leaked like a bitch. More like my grandmother.

    It leaked all over my unit.
  13. jehnzlittey8679

    jehnzlittey8679 New Member

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    So funny to find this thread at the top be.comse I only logged on to post the question about this very thing. :) Must be in the air tonight?
  14. gymbuoy

    gymbuoy New Member

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    Well, I dismissed that vid when I first saw it as being possible, but not worth the trouble.

    Seeing it tonight again, I decided to have a go at it be.comse I has the required bits on my desk.

    I now have it working passably well, albeit with a slight leak issue if everything isnt aligned perfectly and the odd dryish hit.

    I think I have the .comses figured out, I just have to think through a viable and robust fix. Aint going to happen at 3am though!
  15. Imo

    Imo New Member

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    Ok, I have a functional model operation fairly well.

    The critical factor to avoid leaks is to ensure the juice cavity of the tank is PERFECTLY airtight! Even the smallest leak will ensure a flood of epic proportions. Thais applies to all tanks, but these things more so than the carto jobs.

    I managed this by sliding a clearo tube down over the 306 carto til I had a very tight fit. This is long enough to reach just above the top seal on the tank which provides a good tight seal and somewhere to poke a std drip tip.

    I suggest gluing the clearo tube onto the cart be.comse you need to drill/poke a couple of tiny juice holes through both layers. Unglued they tend to move a bit when you assemble the tank and are then impossible to line up again. I'm finding a single .8mm hole is big enough.

    At present it still has a very very faint leak - more of a weep than a real leak. Its been sitting on my desk all day and the juice around the ego cone thread is visible but it hasnt run yet. I'm not sue if my seals arent perfect, or whether that's simply as good as this design gets.

    How does it vape? Well, it's different! It produces a vast cloud of vapour with 25% VG. The vapour is coolish (Partly be.comse I'm using a DC-length tank) with a rather harsh flavour to my tastes. By harsh I don't meant burned - it's a bit like that fist overly-damp hit you get sometimes when dripping. Possibly this might be cured with an even smaller hole.

    So, it is possible to make a viable 306 tank with the general method described in that vid. For me the jury is still out on whether it can be developed into something as simple, robust and reliable as a carto tank.
  16. Wake n Bake Grl

    Wake n Bake Grl New Member

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    This is why old hands always advise against naked vaping!
  17. tom b

    tom b New Member

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    Hey Slothy, would you mind putting a pic up of your atty tank? I like pretty pictures.

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